The colors are pink and black, which is the cutest little devil.
And the sprites of each character are very good! Each character has a unique personality, and they all move and have rich facial expressions, which was very nice.
The battle system is also well designed and fun to play, but I felt the difficulty level was very high (but I played it before the update).
In particular, I felt that the zako-enemies that I encountered were unusually hard.
To use an analogy, in a game where you can raise your level and buy equipment to increase your attack power, I felt as if I was fighting enemies at the initial level and with initial equipment for the true ending and bind play. In terms of difficulty setting, it is a very hard level beyond hard.
Of course, when you beat the boss (the cutest!) ), I was filled with that sense of accomplishment. However, I think it is a difficulty level that many people probably cannot complete without motivation (e.g., a true end route after finishing the normal play).
Overall, it was muuuch fun at this demo stage, and I'll be waiting with great anticipation for the rest of the game! *meow*