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Well, considering the plot, if there was an otpion like you want to, that would lead to a bad end, so i dont see the point

honestly, the story is relatively well done and interesting until now so

+ it was told that this chapter and maybe the next one would be more linear (no impact choice), of course that would be incredible to have choice everywhere, but that's a lot of work, and neglecting the quality over the quantity would'n be appreciable

personaly i like how the game went, i mean, usualy nsfw games have sh*tty story, or realy cliche plot, this one have a more intense story than most of others games of this kind, and the story is deeper too, the atmosphere is heavy, and that's unusual for this kind of game, so original and greatly done

in the end it all depend of the preferences, but i think the game go in a good way for now, this is one of my favorite precisely because the story is interesting and have a unique atmosphere unless all other games of the same kind i know

so in the end you're right to don't like something, but something isn't bad because you don't like it, in the same way something isn't good because you like it, there is your opinion, and the objective opinion, this isn't the same