haha, well i don't mind much that you have not, respect should be the base in all discuitions so, but for thoses who might have a hard time sharing their "kinks" publicly, i can understand i believe
it's goods to see passionate devs about their games too !
Recent community posts
the Idea is good, but it's a luck based game, most of the runs will be impossible to win (way too much), the ennemis are randoms, you often just get way too much of them so you pass most of your time standing still to attack them
the jump button is useless, you cannot jump over ennemi even when they are down
the roll is completly useless too, when attacking while crouching for ther tentacles one, you often roll instead, and the roll instead of passing the ennemi, he grab you
if it happen that you are too close to an ennemi you downed, you cannot get past, neither get back to attack him, so he'll grab you without you being able toi do anything when he stand back again
you should be able to get past ennemis while jumping or rolling, at least when they are sxtaggered or downned
µas of now you have more chance to win a poker game than to win a round of this, it is just too much randoms, the numbers of ennemis (and ennemis type) should be definite
when they are not packed you pass your time hitting so you don't advance much, and when they are packed they all have a different couldown and speed so often, you hit the first one, but another one will go before you can hit again, and if you want, you're too late for the first one
also, when an ennemi is down you cannot hit it, so it render the jump attack pretty useless, the crouched one too but you're forced to for the tentacle type, you are then forced to wait for 'em to get back, so just wasting even more time
the running mmechanic, cool, but at wich moment can you run ? if you attack as soon as you see ennemi you'll attack 'em, but if it is a tentacle one, you're cook'd, also you usualy end on the ennemi you just downed so they will grab you withoiut you being able to do anything, so the rare case where you have enought space to run are f*ck'd up just like that
as it is, it is so stupid and frutrating honestly, this is just a luck game at this point
the idea is good, but for thoses useless mechanics mentionned before that really need to serve their purpose by avoiding ennemis are really as of now a bother
the 2 first level where still okay, but luuck based, but the third, i didn't do any run that wsas possible as of now, too much ennemis, i don't know how many tentacles one, and thing like that, it's just impossible to advance properly
limit the numbers of ennemis, even ennmis type or do somethign about being able to past them without killing them, one of those two things need to be done for the game to be less "lucky" based
also, a friggin restart button, like i sad most of thos erun are already f*ck'd up in not even the first quarter (not to even mention the time it's the player did a fault and f*ck'd up his own game), so a restard button would be much appreciated instead of getting forced to wait for a loose run
worste is thatr it should be done in one go to finish the game so you just spend hours trying to get THE run that will have less ennemis/best placed to be able to end the game, it's just irritating at a lot of time for nothing
i passed the game in casual to have better chance, the Dog is unbalanced too, if it grab you once, it'll grab you 2 others time, even whie crouchign and spamming down attack, to Dog come back at you befoer your attack hit
you have a bit too much tabs foir the game, 3 with the same version too, it's quite unsettling and hard to know wich one to take to be sure that we'll get the more recent update, you should do something, reunite all the pictures/gifs you want on the same page (because each one have their own), and keep only one (or at least, one by version, shown on the title)
'cause as of now we have choices betwen 3 of the 0.37 ver, and one 0.3, and the only change are that one have the apple icone shown instead of the punguin like thing aside from windows file
is this game abandonned ? i mean, i saw on Patreon that you're releasing new scenes for the girls, but it's been a while since the game wasn't updated, so maybe it's finished (story) but seeing that even while paying the game you won't be able to get every content isn't appealing much (and is kind of frustrating)
i own the game, but it's still not cool to release thing on patreon and not here for thoses who brought the game too
i kind of liked it thought, it's a real shame
the idéa is here, but the game is nearly impossible to win, the level 2 was a bit on luck, but the 3th level, i cannot, the only way is to grab the futher girl to render afraid the one just behind, but lot of the time she's not, and when she is, she run further away, you have 4 girl to get, but only can get 2, 3 with luck, but the fourth is already at the border
the tentacle are too slow, especialy when grabing the girl, it take way too much time+ near the 100m and more, you cannot get the girl back in one grab only
i don't think girl should spawn and run immediatly away from the ben without being feared first, or not running so fast, or anything, but as it is, it's impossible and rely a lot on luck
+, sometime only 3 girl appear, i got a good run with 'em because they all started from the same side, and luckily got afraid and run back to me when i grabbed the first one, but the one who was not here managed to escape so still a game over
there's some idea, but there's place for improvment too, at least something that rely way less on luck (got the paid ver)
Okay, well I got the game since a long time, but the message could have a meaning
Still, the game already ended (I just did the last ver), won't lie, I kinda hoped that he would continue a bit further, even if he had to get the price higher (and that kinda make sense, if the game continue and grow more than it was supposed to with a usual low price)
I just wonder if he stopped because he didn't intended to continue, or if it was because the game didn't have enough support, well I'll take a look at his Ci-En accounts tomorrow
Thanks for the reply
the idea is really cool, but it's incredibly frutrating to not being able to c check & mate the oppenent, and even if it is possible, the RNG render it nearly impossible(different maps, not always the upgrade needed, sometime to early because you don't have the points, etc), and when you start having a build to allow you to check & mate, you usualy reach the required score to win, so you have to restart everything from scratch, it could be cool to push the limite for longer gameplay, and eventualy check & mate the AI, appart from that, the idea is good
well, firstly, an option/parameter system would be great, at leasst for the sound, even at the lowest on my headphone, the sound is still pretty hight compared to my others games, even at half, i usualy lower the games sound to ~30%, depending on the game, and then adjust it with my headphone, but here i can't do a thing, i mean, i can change the sounds by the parameter of my computer directly, but that's kinda annyioning, just for a single game, sound should be easly adjustable
and juice does not even start to come, (i downloaded it and trying it here on the website), the chara design is kinda cool, the expereiment kinda weird but why not, it still got some potential, and i can understand the fetish of somes
so i wasn't able to try it, but if it is like the videos shown here, where the character "inflat" by eveywhere at the same time, i think that each tube is meant to inflat "something"(stomach, breats, fat, ...), could be kinda interesting while potentially adding a gameplay part to the actual one, to not overgrown some and try to maintain an equilibre, or thing like that
that's just an idéa, i'm not the one behind the work so, don't mind too much it doesn't seem like a good idéa for you
i'll try it next time when the juice not coming will be fixed, i tryied waiting, but dunno how long and i won't wait 15 minutes to see if it come, and if the juice come when i'm not around, and i loose, it won't help either (if juice ever come ? )
well, that's all i had to said for now, kinda looking foward
Night Market [Deluxe] (Windows) wasn't updated, still the version from 77days ago
i'm not sure what Deluxe have more than Full, but still having the only platform not up to date is a bit frustrating
well, i don't think it will take long to upload it, it is recent, but just to mention it in case it was a miss/forgoten
that's great, do what you want to do, like you said this is your story, and if you're writting something you don't really wanna to, because someone else tell you to, the quality won't be the same at all
+ some suggestion like urination are somewhat a bit extrem, that's the kind of thing that divide people i think, a bit like the NTR, i guess, glad to know that it won't go there x) but well, anyone have their own preference
anyway, can't wait to see the contnuation of your story, hope you and the team are going well ! :)
It's a pretty good thing, it fit well with how the character start to realize that he cannot mess out with many womens, a path were he'll be somewhat faithful to one would be wholesome.
Not having a kind of scumbag that will just have fun with everyone, without any repercussion, and having a harem will change from your casul adult game without a potent story, though for now it somewhat make sense (he try to make everyone happy, or at least to let them live a better life than it was before)
+ that will fit the character i think, he is trying to have a better life by correcting the error he made in his past life, so it would only make sens that he think twice before engaging himself with every women he meet to just f*ck up hiss life a second time
This is an Adult game ok, but the opnly one i know with a really interesting and deep story, i honestly think that even a non adult ver in the end of the project could deserve to be released (well, the arts are real good too, won't lie, but the story as is it now would probably be enoguht for a pretty good Virutal Novel like, and so on for people not interested in H, or even have a bigger public to enjoy this story, thought we're not here yet)
So the H are real good, but i honeslty think that without the good story, i wouldn't like and be interested this game as much as i do now, really love your work, kep up the good work ! without doing too much, health before everything else :)
well, all the works isn't on the scenes, they work on 2 version too ^^'
honestly, if you want a bad game with a lot of content, that is your preference, but they are doing a good job by releasing quality content, + working faster mean less quality, more stress, certainly more overwork too.. nothing good will result of it
i'm not saying this only for them, but as a waroker myself, you just look like someone who doesn't even know how thing work behind the scene so it's kinda unnerving to read your comment ^^'
+ i doubt you are even able to do just the *15 minutes of scenes* even with 3x more time, so your comment just look inapropriate
just an exemple, if you saw the animation "ARCANE", the work are incredible and all, but did you know, as a whole are somewhat big team, they rudely made only 0.7 seconds of animation per day? not that they are slow, just that is the time needed for a work of quality, here's the same, but not only for animation but the story too (and everything alongside the gameplay, bugs research etc)
You have the right to have your opinion, i'm not you dad, but have some respect the works of those who do their best to present a good work for the fans..
I just thought about it, but when the version will pass from Renpy to Godot, will you make an updated set for the skins or will they still be compatible with the version ?
or will they just be for the Renpy ver ?
well, i'm just asking out of curiosity, not that the skins are really important, to the lore ^^
i don't think he'll say it, and even less in a public comment, i mean, knowing it already would break the interesting part of the scene/plot
well, can't blame you to be curious, the plot is realy interesting for an adult game, with a relatively heavy atmosphere, so wanting to know more or less how it'll end in normal
though, maybe there will be multiple ending, and so on the anwser of your question will depend of the choice you're doing in game x)
it wasn't the case for the last content with Sakyua, but early we already had some choices that impacted how thing turned out after, so exept if they are dropping the idéa of a kind of visual novel with different routes/choices for a fully one route visual novel, i don't think there is a definite/precise/unique anwser to your question
well, i'm not them, don't take everything i just wrote for granted, it's just my speculation and maybe he'll give you an anwser x)
PS: why does it have to end with an uphill rollercoaster too ? xd tought it is of course how people hope it'll end x)
if i'm not wrong, the free is like a demo, you have acces to a few first content/level/girls, when the full.. well is somewhat the game as it is actually
personnaly is more the Deluxe that i have doubt every time, some permit a character customization, some add a file with pictures of early devlopment character/scene and all... well the deluxe is hard to know what realy is in, hopefuly one day there will be precision for each level (free/full/deluxe) and what every of them come with
the deluxe look more like an help/contribution to the dev to develop, from my point of view (since it's hard to know what exactly you get with it), i could be wrong on this so don't take that last part to the letter
no problem, more people (enterprise) should think like that, always wanting to do everything in the shorter way possible while neglecting some detail, always bring problem over time,
Wanting to do it properly for the people to have the best possible experience is realy a good way of thinking, the first time is always more impactful, and not pressing thingn too much to avoid overload of works and too much stress can only result in a better health, mood and quality, thanks for keeping us informed and do not worry, that's a good mentality to have, i realy appreciate this kind of mentality at least
don't worry, each time i see an update for Goodbye Eternity i go "woohooou" until i sometime read that this isn't yet "before the-" for this time, but anyway, it's cool to have news, and you're all doing what you can, and properly, so its completly understandable
i understand the fact that you want thing to be good on the release, or else you have a feeling of job half done, that is not pretty cool (on top of that, probably some players complaining and flaming instead of telling what's wrong, pretty (not) smart of them)
so take your the time you need, stress won't help to do a good work, better push a bit the deadline than doing everything too hastly, and health before everything else
take care of yourselves too, and good work !
Well, considering the plot, if there was an otpion like you want to, that would lead to a bad end, so i dont see the point
honestly, the story is relatively well done and interesting until now so
+ it was told that this chapter and maybe the next one would be more linear (no impact choice), of course that would be incredible to have choice everywhere, but that's a lot of work, and neglecting the quality over the quantity would'n be appreciable
personaly i like how the game went, i mean, usualy nsfw games have sh*tty story, or realy cliche plot, this one have a more intense story than most of others games of this kind, and the story is deeper too, the atmosphere is heavy, and that's unusual for this kind of game, so original and greatly done
in the end it all depend of the preferences, but i think the game go in a good way for now, this is one of my favorite precisely because the story is interesting and have a unique atmosphere unless all other games of the same kind i know
so in the end you're right to don't like something, but something isn't bad because you don't like it, in the same way something isn't good because you like it, there is your opinion, and the objective opinion, this isn't the same