Today's word is: Disaster. So at the very end of yesterday my graphics card died rendering my main computer less usable than I'd prefer. The good news though is that I have a laptop I can use as a backup. The bad news is that the laptop runs Linux and my main computer runs Windows which is what my game has been developed for up til now. I'd planned on leaving ports like this until near the end of the jam, but I guess I'm doing this one now. Thus today was spent writing a port of my engine for Linux, while at the same time desperately trying to get my main computer up and running again.
Fortunately my engine has a very small layer of platform specific code so the port didn't take nearly as long as it could have. Here it is running on Linux, with a bonus cat who came by to watch.
The day isn't quite over yet though so I should still be able to get something more productive done today.