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Okay I understand, actually I'd like to use it in a future game (not sure what type of game though, so I don't know if it'll be commercial or not) although I'm pretty sure I'll allow for donations here on itch.

Thanks for reply and sorry for super late response, I was on holiday^^'

Well personally, I would have no problem with you using some of the music in a free game. However when it comes down to the fact that I made this for another team it becomes a bit murkier if you get what I mean.  

I personally don't know if they'd be happy with me licensing out music I made for them to somebody else.

If it was a free game on I imagine I could work out a way that you could use some/all of it after chatting with the team members. With donations enabled would be fine unless you somehow ended up making a fortune out of the game.

Again I’m not 100% sure if I could negotiate this, but I would do my best to try.

I don't really know if it'd be possible to convince the team to let you use the music for a commercial game, and even if they were, I'd want some kind of financial deal/contract with you.

Sorry it took me awhile to respond I was working with a team for GMTK jam.


Okay I kinda understand what you mean, I'm not in a huge need of it anyway, you know I like downloading assets for future use so I'll just abandon this one haha, thanks for reply and sorry for inconvenience^^'

And good luck for you jam :)