I LOVE IT! I've played until the end of the demo and I came across a few glitches (?) I'm entirely unsure of such. You can find my full gameplay here for your research, it's 2.5 hours long but I enjoyed all of the elements that you've tried to make this interesting, especially for an alpha demo!
Glitches (?) & feedback:
1. The staff doesn't seem want to returned to their post after the incursion has ended. I had to fire them or else I'm losing money.
2. There is a small error on the code with my convo with an NPC that opens from 10PM - 5AM. Rapid City wasn't highlighted properly.
3. The option for me to click the staff to work as a cook or a waiter doesn't seems to work. Or no indication that they would go to work after I press it. Would be great to have a small indication that it registered.
4. The part of the hiring staff portion or to see your profits, I may have missed the highlight, or I've jumped the gun on making my profit plummeted (lol) - This is just a user error but something to note that I missed the highlight or it wasn't shown?
5. I love the art, the characters personality. I'm not entirely sure of certain words usage. I didn't get the meaning of it. Maybe using a layman term words would work for people like me, BUT other than that it's great! Dialogue could use some work a little bit, but it's very good. Naturally, especially Jericho. I would go for another run on the alpha just to see what happens if I'm mean to everyone since I was being nice on my first run.
There's a few more feedback that I've concluded in the gameplay but this is just the gist of what I could remember saying. Thanks for making this game! Can't wait to see it on Steam!