It's a great progress in such a short time, but still, the gameplay has some problems.
- there are no predefined enemies. The world is empty and can be reduced to "walk in a circle, because the enemies only spawn near you". There are hardly any enemies that spawn outside the view of the character.
- the enemies can spawn next to you and immediately hurt you.
- enemies can sometimes spawn on water.
- with more enemies, you have to do more fighting and since levels are cheap, you easily level up mid fight. The problem is: There is no indicator for the level up in the main UI (where is the experience bar while playing?), there is no sound for the level up and there is no confirmation of what perk to choose. It's extremely easy to level-up and badly skill your character without even noticing.
- the sounds and music balance is off the charts. The music is incredibly quiet while sounds are so loud it hurts your ears. Please use a volume normalization tool like MP3Gain or something like that.