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Got stuck as well, maybe I missed something?

Just playtested and nope, it's working as intended. If you want the solution, tell me. It's easier if you think of these battles as puzzles rather than battles.


I was trying to think of them more as puzzle due to the way cost and hits can change. I'll take the solution for this one as a free pas so I can get to the rest of the game! Looks really interesting

Unless your build is different than mine and I forgot to update it, you should be able to complete it by using Fire three times then Great Fire once.

If you lose to the second fight twice, a bug will prevent you from leveling up when you should. At this point, you have to restart the game. I'm sorry, I'll fix it as soon as the Jam is over.


Huh interesting. And you're solution worked. Either way I think any game has bugs but beyond that you have an interesting idea sticking to the theme!

Thanks for your kind comment! And thanks mostly for playing!