This is a nice little game! It's challenging and creative. I like the idea of having to keep track of two characters at once, but you're only able to look at one at a time.
Design [4/5]: Very well done. Each level is unique and challenges you in a different way. I thought some of the levels seemed a little out of order in terms of difficulty, but every player is different. I love that you introduce the core mechanic of the game without using a patronizing tutorial. The game just throws you in and leaves you to figure out how things work. My only criticism about the design is that I wish the mechanic of the different planes of existence was introduced in a level without pitfalls. I kept falling into the pit as I was figuring out how the game actually worked, which was frustrating.
Adherence to the Theme [5/5]: You didn't even have to explain it with text or in the game description. I can see exactly what you were going for here. The idea is that you can only see one plane of existence at a time. Nice job!
Originality [5/5]: I've never seen a game like this before! The core mechanic is really interesting and unique. I would love to see this game polished with more levels, puzzle elements, and other content.
Other criticism: Good job! My only frustration with the game is the font you used on the startup screen. It's terribly difficult to read. It's nice that the font fits the aesthetic of your game, but not if it sacrifices readability.
Keep up the good work! Also, props for using Godot :)