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Awesome game! Really gameplay focused. The SFX are amazing, the transitions between the levels and the retryes are real cool. Unfortunately, I just could pass the second level 2 out of 5 times. I think it would serve the game well if the player could tell what angle he/she already used. Like, the same bar, but with lower opacity, and just show the last 5, I dunno, but I think it would help, for finer eye tuning. But I really liked your game, from the concept, to the application! Congratulations!

this is an awesome idea and i think i'll actually do this! i've been thinking i like the core here and it would be worth refining it without the time limit (and hopefully getting some OTHER folks to play it too, since i tend to be a bad judge for how difficult something is when i know the solution from the get-go)

thank you for playing!!