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(2 edits) (+14)(-1)

Oh mate, that's the least messed-up thing here, therefore the author is undoubtedly correct. I don't know what planet you reside on, but I can assure you that people still marry cousins today on earth(I've seen them)..

~ Please say goodbye to the IF and yourself if the story doesn't meet your expectations. 

You have the audacity to criticize the author for crafting the tale in their own distinctive way. Which is quite awful  and.....You need to develop the ability to criticize someone while remaining polite.


incest still happening those days doesn't make it less fucked up (and yes, i also have seen but bc i have uncles that date their cousins). now let  me tell you; i wasn't criticizing anyting, i was saying the obvious (this game has d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g morals).


if you want to pretend that this is right js bc it happens in real life, or as the author, bc you are a "sick bitch", i couldn't care less.


Since you don't seem to want to understand anything at all, allow me to say this plainly.

Whether you agree with the author's narrative or not, your opinion won't make much of a difference to it.

I apologize if this sounds impolite, but you must accept the above words regardless of how you feel about it.

If this isn't for you, you'd be better off forgetting it.

~The writer did point out that the game is a dark fantasy, and .... we all know that politics was never a place for fairytales.. 

You speak in a manner that can only be described as RUDE.

You claim that you don't give a damn, yet your words clearly show that you do.

Have a good day ahead :)


did i said the story sucked? no.  did i say that I (myself) wasn't going to play bc i didn't like of certain thing? yes, i did. did i try to tell someone not to read/play because of it? no, i didn't. you seem to think i  was trying to get something out of it, like make the author feeling bad (bc u called me rude and impolite) bc of it? i'm not gonna keep answering, go touch some grass and stop fighting other people fights, the author had already said something to me before u replied (i couldn't care less about sounding polite, u would be alike if u weren't trying to look like the right one)

Deleted 1 year ago