Hi there!
When I say you can have multiple characters generator, is that you can create Character scenes with different piece files. Meaning, that you can have a character generator made only for humans, so only specific files will be present to pick from there. Another one is for an elf, so other specific files will be there, different from the human generator.
For now, you can have a character/face/battler with any size(width and height), but all the generators you create must follow that same size. I don't know if I ever will make it in a way that you can have different generators with different sizes.
For now, also, only 3 frames(I THINK it already works with more than 3 frames, but I need to test first ^^). But if does not work, yes, I have plans to be able to use any amount of frames.
Please, next time make your thread, just for the sake of organization ^^