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Neat game that clearly has lots of work put into it in the Game Design and Audio aspects in particular. Also ticks the box for Theme literally and metaphorically.

Clearly lots of work went into the Game Design, as is evident from obstacles becoming harder the further you go, nice leaps of faith and spikes in places that could trip a player up. Pages did motivate me to keep playing for longer too and made me want to explore more.

Audio design really carried the aesthetic and atmosphere of the game for me. Liked the dripping sound that came in the caves as you went deeper and the wind ambience. I liked the art style of the beginning dialogue/cutscene as well.

For improvements, I'd suggest adding a Screen that shows the pages you have collected and the pages you still need to collect. Would add to the motivation to complete the game. I'd also suggest reducing the spawn time, felt like the camera fixates on the point you die for a bit too long.

Overall, very strong and atmospheric submission. Great job!