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Roaming Maelstrom

A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the kind words and feedback.

I made it so new ability explanations are always on the last snippet of dialogue, so you don't miss anything important by skipping to the end.


Thanks you!

Great to hear that you had so much fun playing my game.

Congratulations on your highscore too!

Thank you for the constructive feedback.

Happy to hear you enjoyed the enjoyed playing my game, as well its aesthetic.

I'll be updating the game once the Jam is over and will be implementing some additional hints for the warp ability. I may also add an additional health bar above the player to make it easier to see your health in combat.

A hidden gem of a puzzle game.

Game UX feels very polished, everything in the UI behaves as you would intuitively expect. Loved the little details thrown in there like the cloud coverage and lighting on the planets.

Very polished and fun submission. Congratulations!

Thank you for the kind praise, and congratulations for making it so high on the leaderboard!

I found in a previous Jam that people really like games to be easily replayable, so I focused a lot on that aspect.


Yeah, I only really had time for one Enemy AI type, and some variations of sprites, sizes, etc.

Thank you!

I agree, visual feedback for enemy hits is minimal at the moment. Damage numbers or a flashing effect would be better,

Thanks a bunch!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback. Congratulations on getting the highest score!

I get what you mean with the space dodge being unclear. I was thinking of highligthing controls text in a different colour to make it stand out (for some reason I forgot you can do that).

Happy to hear you enjoyed playing my game. The AI predictive behaviour basically revolves around looking at the players position/s in the last 0.1-1.0 seconds and extrapolating from there. I found it surprisingly simple yet effective.

Thank you!

Fun game. Impressive amount of variety in game art and puzzle design for the timeframe. All the puzzles feel unique. I liked the glow/lighting effects you had going on around top of the rooms. Being able to pet the cat is a nice touch too.

For improvements, I couldn't work out how to open the nuclear reactor puzzle. I also think you could up the contrast between task warnings on the map and the background; they blend together a bit.

Strong submission. Nice job!

Such is the life of the Game Jam dev ;)

Lots to like about your submission. 

Good amount of variety in puzzles, especially for the 7-day time limit. I found it easy to understand how to complete each puzzle. Fits the theme nicely too.

I liked the inclusion of the sprint. Made moving around the ship much more enjoyable. Having to recharge it adds a nice bit of depth too. 

For improvements, an overlay map you can look at to see where tasks are would be helpful.

Great job!

Cool idea for a game. The shadow chasing you is intriguing. Combined with the oxygen mechanic it makes the game an interesting take on the theme Nothing can go Wrong. I like the spaceman sprite too.

For improvements, I'd make the checkpoints a bit bigger. I missed the one on level 2 at first and would have quit if I did not read the comments first.

An original interpretation of the theme. Nice one!

Neat game. Managed to rescue 21 cats in a single run!

I liked that you get upgrades every 5 levels, and that there are tradeoffs for accepting upgrades. Level felt big and had quite a lot of variety for a game jam game.

For improvements, the movement felt a bit sluggish. Maybe let the player move a bit faster and reduce the size of the players collider a bit so they get stuck on walls less.

Well done for submitting the game!

Here is my submission. It is a 2D top-down space shooter.

2D top-down space shooter here. Happy to rate yours too!

Here is my submission

Thank you! I spent a lot of time refining and polishing my submission.

(1 edit)

I had fun playing your game.

Graphics are simple, however they all fit nicely together. The transition between screens felt very smooth and responsive - I found it satisfying to just rapidly switch between them while waiting for a warning to popup ;)

I think you did a very good job of communicating information to the player in general, and making the minigames intuitive to understand.

For improvements, I unfortunately could not complete the game due to the asteroids task bugging out during the final phase. I'd recommend ramping up the difficulty of the minigames over time; an extra button/bar added to each task here and there. Also, I got the same task 3 times in a row at one point, maybe code it so you can't repeat a task.

Overall, quite a simple and yet polished, well executed, and fun game. Great job!

Neat asteroid style game. 

I thought the AI was programmed quite well (which is hard to do in 7 days). Music is spacey and fits the outer-space aesthetic of the game.

The difficulty level felt about right to me. I ended up dying about 7 times, which is fine given that you allow the player to have infinite retries and respawn instantly - would be a nightmare to play if you had to start again every time ;)

For improvements, there was a point where an orange enemy shot through one of the escorts and then killed me. Maybe make it so your companions block shots if they happen to be in-between you and the enemy bullet.

Cool submission. Great job!

Enjoyed playing your game and dodging the guards. Making a stealth game fits the theme nicely. Music choice is very good as well, adds a feeling of tension to the game.

For improvements, maybe increase the view distance so the player can better examine and learn the guards movements. Would allow you to make more complex/difficult levels as well in the future.

Cool game, nice job!


Really top quality aesthetic. Game art is all professional quality. All items look distinct and are easy to identify. As simple as they are, I think my favourite bits of art were the close-up shot of the note and the candles - very well textured.

For improvements, maybe a quest list in the top left/right corner. I was a bit confused on how to progress at first until I eventually thought to clean the floor (I am relatively inexperienced with the point and click genre though).

Strong submission. Great job!

Quite an original idea that was well executed. Fits to the Game Jam theme.

Choice of Ambient music and SFX really add to the atmosphere and build tension. Art style is minimilistic but effective; the flashing effects for the emergency vehicles is really on point. Colour palette is good too, colours mesh well together and the emergency call icons stand out.

For improvements, I think adding some more icons to the report popups would be benefitial. Namely, how much the disorder/tension bar is affected and icons for what emergency vehicles had what effect. Just makes it a bit clearer to see what's going on at a glance.

Nevertheless, a very strong submission that I enjoyed playing to the end. Excellent job!

Really neat idea for a puzzle game. I was confused about the placement at first, but I really like the idea that where you place the ladder depends on the position of the president. The walk animation is nice too.

For improvements, I found a bug where the president can kind of get stuck in elevated floors and walk underneath them (bit hard to explain).

Well done for submitting!

Never miss a chance to make a blank black screen a feature ;)

Great to here you enjoyed my submission!

I was planning more stages, but unfortunately I ran out of time.

Glad to hear you enjoyed my submission!

Congratulations on the highscore score too ;)

Very creative interpretation of the theme. Really hurt my poor brain :(

Art and sounds complement one anotherI like the hand-drawn art style you've got going on.

How to play each level is explained in a clear manner, which is good.

Very polished submission. Great job!

Neat little game. Aesthetic is very nice, art assets and sound complement each other nicely.

Would recommend making the gameplay more complex with more mechanics.

Solid foundations to build on. Good job!


(1 edit)

Great submission!

Environment looks well built. Mood lighting is very well done. Death animations are all satisfying, makes killing the test subject that much more fun. Camera work is very good too, very smooth and a good way of telling the player what they have done when they pressed a button.

Difficulty level felt just right, although I got a bit confused by one level where you have to jump over the final door (I assume I did it right). I played it until completion.

For improvements, I found a couple small bugs, mainly the repeating death animation under the saw blade, and I think when you go onto a moving platform and start crouching it doesn't move the player on top of it properly. I'd also suggest tightening up the dialogue a bit; a couple of the dialogue sequences dragged on slightly too long imo.

Other than the minor points listed, a very strong and polished submission. Congratulations!

Interesting game. Don't see many games like this in Game Jams. 

I liked the recipe ideas, combining emotions to make philosophical stuff. The visuals are rather nice, and there's a lot of content as said for a game made in 7 days.

For improvements, I did find it confusing to start with. I didn't realise you could switch the outputs of machines until I looked at the Screenshot you uploaded.

Impressive submission. Keep going!

Thank you! 

First time writing a story, glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you. Glad to hear you'll be coming back for more!

Thank you!

Neat interpretation of the theme! 

Only thing I can think of is maybe make the tree level a bit clearer. I kept thinking I had to crush myself under the boxes.

Well done!