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It's got style and visuals and funnt intro audio.. Cool!

The game mechanic was not completely clear at first, It took me a couple of tries to see my movement would correspond with the star below. When I got that the game clicked and I could play pretty well pretty quick. The game is not really a rhythm game with thinking, as the intro suggests, but a reaction based platformer. The level is linear and requires mostly jumps and rights, so I need to spot those and quickly respond by pressing. I had a hard time predicting what the next direction would be, making it very reaction-based. 

Indeed a pity the game does not have a kill volume for when you fall, as now you need to restart the game, and there seems to be no skip for the intro. 

Thank you very much!

I guess you have a point there, man. Initially our plan was to show what the next direction would be, but we ended up cutting it out when time was running out. But I still would classify it as rhythm game because the buttons change in the rhythm of the music. (:

That was really a pity. We had a kill volume, but when we made it follow the player (because the scenery is auto generated) we forgot to make it follow only in the X axis. So, the way it is, when you fall you really faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall. And we didn't fix it because it was almost time to close the submissions and itch was going down and we were hurrying as much as we could to submit. It happens :p

hahha that's brilliant! The kill volume falls with me. I once made a bug where the spawnsocket for projectiles would be shot out and not stay in place. This made for some really funky aim mechanics. It's not a bhug, it's a feature!

Gamejam Sundays are really something special :)