Oh hey it's you ! Hi again ! Thank you ! That's strange though, it doesn't flash white for me, although I think it's a common downside to Godot's web exportations. However the particles seem to be broken on the web build...
Programming is just a hobby that I started about 3 years ago, just to make games. I learned the basics with Brackeys' videos, and then I tried some stuff by myself in Unity for basically the following 2 years : I must have created something like 30 unfinished prototypes during this period, each one more broken than the last one :)
But ultimately I started participating in jams last year and I think that's where I got the most experience from. As for finding ideas, well this was surprisingly hard for this jam, probably the hardest it has ever been for me yet... I try to find a mechanic that sounds fun in my head, then thinking about what stuff could make it more fun or could combo well with the mechanic. So here, my core mechanic was having only 1 jump and 1 shuriken, and for example, the wall-climbing mechanic was introduced because having only one jump would make moving in the level more of a chore than anything else.
Hope this helped you !