Awesome project! It's very impressive what you've been able to do in the time given, and you should feel very proud of your work. That being said, there are a couple of issues. Firstly I do wish that you could skip the text in the beginning. Having dialogue is great, but you're stuck reading for a little too long at the beginning and since you are not in control of the speed of the dialogue I missed a few things. Secondly is the lack of sound, you have a volume slider at the beginning but for me no sound was playing. With sound honestly the game would be much much better feeling. And third is the third drop down. There were so many enemies and projectile that even my beast of a computer with a 3070 and 64Gigs of ram turned into an unplayable PowerPoint presentation, and that was ultimately why I died. I loved the "Kill enemies to get ammo back" mechanic, and the dash and armor worked great, but FPS games are not playable at 3 frames a second lol. Still, great job! A review back and play would be much appreciated!