This was such an amzaing game!
I felt a thrill i haven't felt in a while. You had so many good mechanics - the art was amazing, the beginning cutscene had a good sense of humor, the gameplay was LIT. I ADORE the flamethrower mechnic and being constantly on edge from being eaten by the bugs. You had everything packed in such a small game.
For the bugs - I only saw a few:
- I closed the game by mistake and the second time the cutscene played the room was all green without textures and felt kind of strange.
- The second thing I saw was - when I beat the bug boss, it disappeared and nothing happened.
For gameplay crtique I can only advise you to lower the bug count because I had to dash my whole way through the levels while trying not to get eaten. Otherewise the gameplay was very nice.
This is a very neat jam entry,