and escape is also hard
i think pulling one x from the future is the hard part now
but maybe 2 from the past? idk aaaaaaaa
ok i actually need hints
currently gave up on level 25 and working on level 26 "in series"
it feels easier to approach
here's what i found out about level 25:
-gurer vf bayl bar jnl lbh pna pebff gb gur bgure fvqr, fb vs lbh jnag gb qbhoyr onpx, lbh arrq gb haybpx gur 2 "4" ybpxf ng gur obggbz
-zl ceboyrz vf gung vs v haybpx 2 bs gur ybpxf, gur ynfg ybpx vf vzcbffvoyr gb ernpu (v'yy unir gb gnxr nabgure 4 sebz gur arkg cbegny ohg gung arrqf 2 4f gb oevat onpx)
-guvf vf whfg n thrff, ohg qb v arrq gb hfr bar bs gur qvzrafvbaf gb fgber gur 4f? (naq v guvax gurer vf ab cbegny chfuvat urer)
-v guvax v znl or noyr gb chfu gur ahzore oybpxf ol sbezvat n 10 4 10... punva fb v qba'g unir gb fgrc ba gur pehzoyr oybpxf
it's definitely the hardest level so far