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Hello, IwonK here :) I've learned about Bitsy almost two months ago and it was love at first sight :D I've already made my first game "Clean your room!" (ispired by my own room... hee hee... :P ) and I want to make more games :D I've started a challenge to myself and I'm going to make one game a month for a year (wish me luck!).  Starting this September.

I love video games and computers in general, I have a webcomic titled "I won a game!" where I show some slices of my gaming life :D 

I've been playing games practically all my life and I've alwayse wanted to make my own games but I didn't know how. My poor attempts in my teen and adult life didn't work well but then came Bitsy :D 

A huge thank you from me to Adam for creating Bitsy :)