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A member registered Jul 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think I found a temporary solution but it's a bit tricky.

If your Bitsy does what mine has done and you want to work on your game, open an incognito window in your browser and run Bitsy in there. It will load the default game and now you can load your own game and work on it as normal. 

Here is the tricky part: because it's an incognito window, if you close it, it will erase your game. Make sure that you save often :) 

I'm not sure what borked my Bitsy. There must have been something wrong with my game itself. When I ran Bitsy in the incognito window, I copied and pasted fragments of my game data from the borked file (like: first the colors, then the rooms, tiles, and so on) and it turned out there was something wrong with my rooms. As I look at the code, they seem fine but whenever I copied them to the engine, everthing went nuts. I'm not sure but I think I remember copying and pasting code from one room to another before it all happened, so maybe that was my mistake :P 

usually I copy/paste the game data from the "game data" window to my notepad file. Now that the game tab is gone, there is nothing I can do in Bitsy itself :( 

I just refreshed the page. This is all I get :(

I was about to finish my game today, I saved the game data and I refreshed the page in my browser and then I noticed that some tabs are missing, including the one for importing/exporting the files :( the room window is blank and the "about" window too. 

I thought that maybe there was something wrong with my browser but it happens every time I upload my game to Bitsy on any browser. I also tried this on another computer and it keeps happening :( 

The only tabs I get are:

- about (blank window)

- room (blank window)

- exits and endings 

- paint

- colors

- dialog

- find

- inventory

- record gif (doesn't work, blank window)

Help, anybody <:( 

Thank you :) Just before I started making this chapter I'd learned how to get more colors in Bitsy :) 

Let me know when you make your cookie arcade game ;) 

me too!  <:D 

Thank you :) this chapter was so time-consuming but oh, so satisfying! :D yeah, winter-themed games help in this weather... >.< 

thank you :D this chapter was fun to design :D 

Thank you so much for your comment :) 

I like learning how to do more in Bitsy :) I'm still a beginner in gamedev but I love it more and more :)

There will be 12 chapters of Cookie Quest in total, I'm currently working on chapter 9, so stay tuned :D 

Thank you so much for your comment :) 

I'll make these comics as long as I can and making games is so much fun I don't want to stop doing it either :) 

Hello everyone!
I thought I'd share my games with you all :) 

I've learned about Bitsy last year in July and after tinkering with it for a while I decided to set a challenge to myself to make one game a month for the entire year :) I started in September 2023 and I try to add something new to each installment (for example, add more colors).

I am currently working on part 8 of the series.

Here is a list of all Cookie Quest games I have made so far:

Any feedback welcome :) Enjoy :)

Hello, IwonK here :) I've learned about Bitsy almost two months ago and it was love at first sight :D I've already made my first game "Clean your room!" (ispired by my own room... hee hee... :P ) and I want to make more games :D I've started a challenge to myself and I'm going to make one game a month for a year (wish me luck!).  Starting this September.

I love video games and computers in general, I have a webcomic titled "I won a game!" where I show some slices of my gaming life :D 

I've been playing games practically all my life and I've alwayse wanted to make my own games but I didn't know how. My poor attempts in my teen and adult life didn't work well but then came Bitsy :D 

A huge thank you from me to Adam for creating Bitsy :)