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I remember sitting on discord having done nothing and you being done with four bosses haha.

I enjoyed the game and i feel like it would do well as a semi-rhythm game, few things to change but overall i enjoyed throughtly, the movement feels good, but sometimes i had no idea if something hit me or not or if i've hit something with my shooting attack.

One more thing, after the bosses health goes to zero instead of continuing the fight the boss should dissapear and the platform should fall faster until another boss...

The audio is amazing, the boss designs and their attacks are cool as fu*k, this is one of the best games of the jam!

There were plans on adding leaderboards for damage dealt, so that way the negative health would have made sense, but time issues lol. Another issue with just skipping to the next boss, is that the phases are time based, not health based. This would make the game incredibly easy, because you could just charge hit the bosses a couple of times and skip to the next boss.