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A member registered Aug 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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update dropping tommorow

The game is well balanced, the artstyle is very good, and the music is bopping! Few things, the RMB attack is probably too weak for what its cooldown is. Other than that great game!

Definitely will! Thank you!

I'm impressed you got the first code! That was the more difficult one to get, and i should've explained it better, a patch is coming after the voting period ends to make the puzzles more coherent! The texture bugs came from trying to fix an issue were they didn't show for some people at all, so i had to make some sacrifices.

The second code you just put the colored numbers that were found behind the planks in order to the colored books on the main bookshelf.

Thank you for the review!

I love me some Żubr! The artstyle looks great, honestly amazing how polished this game is! Unfortunately didn't have time to get all the endings, but seems fun, i will revisit!

I can see Baba is you was the inspiration! Very cool game, i've played it all the way through, some puzzles are too easy i think, the game took me 2 minutes to beat...

i got 450 000 high score, the art style is amazing, the idea, the enemy variety, the weapons, amazing, one of my favourites!

Yep my bad, working on the patch rn. and updating once the voting ends

I will start working on the patch now, and release immiediately after the voting ends, so look out for it! 

My bad, could've explained it better

This is extremely creative!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

(2 edits)

The artstyle is beutifull even tho simple, the audio is also really good, i just thought the game was too easy, but it sped up, my high score is 90. The game was very fun, the only problem i had is that i could stack candies on the floor and the gun would just reload itself, i think it would be better if the candies disappeared from the floor, also i could just keep the door open and it wouldnt get damaged, to fight that i think pointing a gun at the kids should make you loose too.

Amazing game, one of the best i've played so far!

After the jam i will try to make stuff more clear, and maybe add some stuff, we will see

The two other are probably less visible, because they bug out sometimes and they are a plus and minus sign, so that's probably why...

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There are open books on the bookshelf next to the keypad, they have symbols on them like a dot, | , ; and C, then there are 4 bookshelves scattered around that tell you what these symbols correspond to and you just insert the numbers that correspond to the signs on the books as the code, then you can reach the fourth sign!

The 4th shouldnt be reachable till further into the game, sorry that the puzzles arent more clear :( hope you go back to it!

There is, i should've specified what to do more clearly :(

I don't know what to do after finishing the Rune Guide, two runes are unexplained, after finishing the rune guide, coming back in and doing first door correctly, on the screen popped up "Winner!" So i think that's a bug, the game is visually great, the puzzle had me thinking, but somethings, as i've said before there are unexplained rules.
Great game!

That's why i work alone!!! Great game

I've seen a lot of people saying a preview would be nice and that letting people control stopping time more! Which i will probably do in the future! Thank you for the feedback!

Amazing games there are a few bugs, and one level is cheesable, but the bossfight is really cool, i found colors of the gravity to be inconsistent, strong gravity is red at the beginning and later on really low gravity that pulls you up is also a shade of red... but the idea is very innovative, i liked the mechanics overall its a pretty good game! If you decided to continue making it after the jam i would be eager to play it again!

Thank you! I've tried!

Yes I think some soundeffects would be nice, I will be implementing them in the future! Thanks for the feedback!

I will improve on the game after the jam! Thanks for the feedback!

I remember sitting on discord having done nothing and you being done with four bosses haha.

I enjoyed the game and i feel like it would do well as a semi-rhythm game, few things to change but overall i enjoyed throughtly, the movement feels good, but sometimes i had no idea if something hit me or not or if i've hit something with my shooting attack.

One more thing, after the bosses health goes to zero instead of continuing the fight the boss should dissapear and the platform should fall faster until another boss...

The audio is amazing, the boss designs and their attacks are cool as fu*k, this is one of the best games of the jam!

(2 edits)

Few things, i loved how polished this game was and the overall aesthethic of it, the audio, i felt so immersed, but i was a little bit of confused how scanning worked at the beginning and what was my goal, since milestones changed for supposedly no reason... but other than that, upgrade system is cool, and clean, i would love more explanations on how stuff works and why i do things at the beginning not after my first death... but overall this game is amazing would love this more build upon in the future 29/30

Thank you! The game will be getting massive improvements after the jam (with dialogue skipping which was missing that was annoying)

(2 edits)

Honestly one of the most fun games of this jam, challenging as heck but fun! I had jumping around with the knife and jumping enemies and slashing them! The only problem were the attacks queueing input, but still a lot of fun!

I love the style of the graphics and the whole aesthetic! The music really fits, one of my favourites (I'm being honest)

Some things that would be to change: 

-I couldn't find the crossbow, so i just beat the game with the knife, but i think it should be easier to find (Or either i'm blind, or this was designed that way)

-There was no point in sliding, besides the beginning

But other then that, amazing game, it should have more rates!


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Ohh yeah, i kinda wanted for player to look at all of them and work with them like that, because there would be too much clutter, but i can think about it

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There is a preview of time you are in at the top of the screen, i should make it more clear tho i think.  I will be working on the game after the Jam so i appreciate it!

Thanks for the review!

This is my third game that was made for Brackeys Jam, please check it out and leave feedback in the comments!

The game is about a scuba diver diving into a time warp! He was instructed to do so by the army, he has the ability to go back into the past or go into the future, he can also freeze all  objects moving in place!

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The visuals are great! I loved them, its sometimes hard to read the text, especially on the webGL version since you cant put it on fullscreen, but i enjoyed it, takes me back to Windows XP! I also love how much you can customize your desktop, from the wallpaper to playing music, it feels like i'm there! Greetings from discord!

I think the game was way too short to be fun... but i enjoyed everything else about it, the artstyle, sound effects, the mechanics are great, but if it was longer it would be much better!

I think the game was way too short to be fun... but i enjoyed everything else about it, the artstyle, sound effects, the mechanics are great, but if it was longer it would be much better!