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(1 edit)

The game looks really good, it was fun, and it seems like it could have a lot of potential, though I had a few problems with the game:

1. It was unclear when you hit the boss, or when the boss hit the player.

This could be fixed by making a more obvious sound for when the player gets hit and having some sort of screen effect, and making the boss have a health bar instead of a health text box would make it so you see the health bar go down instead of a small number in the bottom of the screen

2. The screen is very cluttered.

This could be fixed by making the game either third person or a top down game. The game seems like it would be much more fitting that way.

3. Calling a projectile weapon a sword doesn't really work.

I thought I had to be right next to the boss in order to hit them with a weapon called a sword, so I did not use it my first run due to the bosses never being within what I thought was melee range. Calling it anything other than a sword would fix this I think.

If these things were fixed, I could say this was one of the best games in the jam, though these three things made it not as good of an experience for me. 


When the player gets hit there's like a 10 frame long hitstop, alongside a huge vignette, a lowpass filter, a decently loud sound effect, screen distortion etc. Not sure how else would I make it more obvious for getting hit.

When the player hits the boss, there's a ~3 frame hitstop, a sound effect, decently visible spark/explosion particles and the UI pulses, indicating you dealt damage. Again, not sure how I would make it EVEN MORE obvious.

For the cluttered screen thing, 3rd person would make aiming hell but ok, top down is not really an option for 3D, and I don't want to make 2D. I raised the FOV to 90 to make the arena more visible and less disorienting, not sure which part you say is cluttered in a bullethell game.

Terraria calls their swords swords even tho they shoot projectiles, so why can't I do it? What name would you give it then?

(1 edit)

Sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, though it sounded mostly negative, there was a lot of good things in the game, I just find it easier to tell people about feedback than other stuff,

I'm not sure how the hit indicators weren't more obvious to us, though my friend who played the game shared my original thoughts on this, though we might just both be stupid.

Wanting to keep the game first person makes sense. I think our main issue was not clearly being able to see if we were a spot that would be attacked without looking down the whole time. This point may be a skill issue, but also seems like something that could be implemented somehow. Not sure exactly how.

Edit: See Risk of Rain 2 for third person aiming, it does work.

Didn't say you can't call it a sword, but it seems like other people have also been confused about it being called a sword. You also see the projectile in Terraria due to the 2Dness of the game, whereas in this it looked more like melee particles to me. If there was somewhere stating it shot a projectile, calling it a sword would be fine. Name ideas I thought of while typing this are: Projectile sword, short ranged attack, something gun. They're not great names, but I also only spent about 15 seconds thinking of them.