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I really enjoyed the aesthetic of the game but as other said, the left/right inversion is a bit weird at first. To be more in the jam's theme, I would have stacked all your levels into one and make a checkpoint at the beginning of each zone.


Thanks so much for playing!

You're right about the left/right inversion feeling weird.  We considered normal controls but Solaxi is only meant to be able to move on his own axis (i.e. up and down) - normal controls would make it seem like he was moving on the horizontal axis too! Instead, we wanted it to feel like the world was moving underneath him, with him struggling to keep up - we definitely could have done more to communicate that better though!

I like the idea of stacking the levels! Was discussing with one of the team after the Jam who suggested concentric levels could be cool - so we might go back and work on it a bit at a later date!