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Been having fun but somehow I haven't been able how to figure out how to buy a house, spent hours going around doing other stuff but still can't figure out something that is probably really easy.

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Glad to hear you have enjoying the game^^
You can only buy a the forest home in this demo. And you can buy it in the large shopping buildingon the second floor, in the eastern part of town.

Hope this helps! If not just tell me^^

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Thank you somehow completely ignored thestairs but checked every single other building.

Though now I seem to be having a issue with the squirrel TF, it says I need 30 acorns to progress, but I currently have 41 and the squirrel still keeps telling me to come back when I have enough. I did buy 15 acorns from the squirrel merchant if those don't count though, if that may be the issue why. Otherwise I have been circling the area grabbing every acorn I can possibly find.


Also forgot to note it, but I experienced a crash during the mouse TF where when I was in the bathroom when I went to enter a mouse hole on the north side I moved onto the tile right of it (on the toilet) and the game crashed.

Glad that i could be of help!

That sounds really strange sicne no one report that bug yet.

Same for the crash, does  it show an error screen? If not this may be an isssue related to the engine and operating system used.

Could you send me your save file so I can take a closer look into it?
You can uplaod it at thsi sire for exsample:

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Sorry nevermind, it seems to be working now. I did absolutely nothing different and talked to the squirrel twice after replying to you, and for some reason it worked this time. Don't know what happened, sorry for the bother.

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Did you were using the newest version?
I tried replicating the crash but I didn't get the game to crash.


It wasn't the newest version, went back to replicate it and nothing happened, so it was probably just one time issue.

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Then I have an explanation for you that most likely woudl explain it.
Your game probaly runs over 60 fps, which could cause a bug that could lead to random crashes because of a error in the engine.

One of the newer version fixed that, so if you had an older version it may be that you are experience that bug.
I can't say for sure, but for now that is the best explanation i could come up with.

If you have the feeling that enemies and other objects like npc's are moving to fast be sure to try turning on the 60 fps lock option in the option menu
I also would recomemnd grabbing the newer version, don't worry your save would still be compatible!
Sorry for the inconvenience!

I see, just tried it out and it worked for me as well.
No worries, good to hear that there wasn't a real game breaking bug^^

Regarding the random crash, were you playing on one of the newer versions when it happened?


Seems to be working fine now, I do apologize. Though it only means the game is quite enjoyable otherwise I would have given up after these small issues. :D

Keep up the good work

Great to hear!

And thanks I will^^