That was a refreshing game experience! I enjoyed the demo so far. Before I realized it, I had spent more than an hour on this demo.
There's a few things that I'd point out as feedback:
- I got soft locked while talking to the father in the screenshot below. I saved before doing the dialog where the Billy rests.
- The movement feels good, but for some reason I have issues entering and exiting areas. This happened to me the most while on the Bone Field and moving towards the swirling tree. I will exit bone field, but any movement after leaving will make me return to the bone field. Sometimes it won't do it and I'll be able to continue.
- It's sometimes hard to find the right square on the screen which will trigger an item pickup, so I'll find myself trying to click everywhere around the object which I think could be improved with a bigger square or some kind of highlight over objects through shaders? I'm unsure how it works behind scenes.
- The player could use a better pathfinding algorithm. I often get stuck if I don't put the cursor right exactly where I want to go instead of the player finding out where it needs to go.
- Difficulty was pretty good, not easy, not terribly hard.
- There are small spelling errors, but this is a demo so I can understand it must go proof reading first
This game is really promising, keep up the good work and don't be afraid to experiment with the character art since it's still early in development. Cheers!