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The ventures through the hollows!

Things I enjoyed ✔️

  1. Gameplay felt clean and polished.
  2. I liked the art style you went with, it looks great!
  3. I like the help controls, and signs that guide the player.

Things I would like to possibly see with your title. 🤷‍♂️

  1. I recommend adding attacks up and down, just to make attacking more intuitive.
  2. Id recommend adding some music, or audio to the game! Its such a small thing but adds so much to the experience!

Overall 📓

Great work on this game! I can tell you put a lot of work in it! If you polish it up a bit I can easily see this game getting lots of downloads! Great work!

Thank you for taking time to review and rating the game! Thanks for all the feedback, will try to include them all in my next game!