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dunno why but the voice acting seems a bit rough to start with. I kind of got used to it over time.

quirks tutorial:
"Over time, at most three of positive respectively negative quirks can get locked in"
normally typos and bad grammar don't bother me, but I can't tell what this is exactly meant to mean

I love that one of the enemy groups is just called 'Some rats'

With armbinder, the arms are not shown on the in-battle puppets, which makes sense. but the gauntlets are still shown.

when the armbinder triggers at start of turn, it just says false.

status effects being applied at the start of the fight can take rather too long. perhaps make the animations faster or more frequent if there's a lot of them.

there seem to be no chests and brambles and stuff in the middle of missions any more. shame, those added a nice bit of texture to it.

arrow keys on the mission select screen has odd results.

in some situations, stun does not expire.

do not seem to be able to switch weapons on anyone.

oop, you fixed those, good stuff