Well this comment is not well recieved, it is wonderfully apreciatted!
I think the disclaimer is a must, we dont encourage the use of drugs, thats why we tried to aboid controversy while using "Magic Powder" and "substances" instead of real drug nouns. So Im really happy to read you, as it was the kind of comment I was waiting to confirm myself that I need to add this disclaimer.
Sinking into Substance is a written novel. Due to time restrictions we had to force a one story path. We agree in this point, as it was intended for the developement.
I am really glad me and my team could deriver this project and get this much feedback, it has been the first time I got out the confortzone into a game with backgound and story, not just arcade. It is surprising how much work the narrative and the literary script are.
Thanks again for the feedback @Flo McQ., I will with no doubt check on the resources you provided me! :)