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-blind folio pdf pg. 8: alert: 'As such there will' ('As such, there will');

-'filling out All of' ('filling out. All of')

-blind folio pdf pg. 9: 'especially well for something mecha-esc' (should be 'mecha-esque');

-'top-down rebalances and more the game' (should be 'and more, the game' you might want to consider separating the items in that list with semi-colons);

-what's missing: 'vehichle rules' ('vehicle rules');

-'Heck a whole standalone' ('Heck, a whole standalone')

-blind folio pdf pg. 10: special thanks to: (the first two lists use the oxford comma, while the third doesn't. The rest of the book tends to not use them, so it would be best to keep it consistent)

-blind folio pdf pg. 11: table of contents: 'Basics of Roling' ('Basics of Rolling')

-pg. 1: welcome mec pilots: 'Oh you're worried about' (should be 'Oh, you're worried about');

-giant robots and anime bombast: 'Titanfall (my beloved),GunXSword' (pretty sure there isn't a space between the comma and GunXSword)

-pg. 2: content warning and safety tools: 'but not they're not a replacement' (either 'but not' or 'they're not')

-pg. 3: pilot training 101: 'Oh man her handwriting is' ('Oh man, her handwriting is');

-'Oh and don't mind' ('Oh, and don't mind');

-'filling out any sheets we need to' ('filling out any sheets, we need to');

-'keep in mind that every roll is like a funnel' (you never explain what this means. The only other mention of 'funnel' is that 'rules funnel into these Rolls' on pg. 4, which is tautological at best. And 'roll' should be capitalized; you've got a lot of instances where it ought to be according to how you normally style it);

-'then roll to see' (here's another);

-basics of rolling: 'When referring generally to "Dice" instead of a d6, as in +1 Dice, it's safe to assume this refers to Skill Dice.' (That's an overcomplicated sentence and I suggest this for unambiguity: 'When referring to "Die" or "Dice," such as "+1 Die" or "Per 5 Dice," it's safe to assume this refers to d6s of Skill Dice.');

-'in the roll based off this chart' ('Roll');

-'roll Risk Dice' (is it not a 'Roll' if it isn't skill dice?);

-example roll: 'in an attempts to beam him' (should be 'in an attempt to bean him');

-'+1 Risk Dice' (should be '+1 Risk Die' (('Die' is the singular of 'Dice' ((one Die, two or more Dice)) so I bring it up whenever it's used incorrectly. You're fairly consistent with it, and the error is relatively minor, so you might want to change the couple times it's done correctly instead. they're on pages 41 and 29 in the mechanics shop, lucky lever action and dragon salvo core respectively.)));

-both 'he should roll' and 'Dante rolls with' ('Roll' and 'Rolls')

-pg. 4: Rolling stat checks: 'The most common roll you'll encounter is Rolls' (should be 'The most common Roll you'll encounter are Rolls');

-'you can borrow my copy of Realms and Reliquaries' (Is this an in-universe game? There are quite a few ((3)) recommendations to look up things the reader doesn't understand in, what I think is, an imaginary book; this is actively unhelpful for someone who actually doesn't understand);

-'Basically one Pilot' ('Basically, one Pilot');

-'total number of hits' ('Hits');

-'roll outside of combat' ('Roll');

-'a Roll will (statistically) results in hits equal to the number of Dice rolled +1-2' (A normal Roll will average hits equal to the dice rolled exactly, not +1-2. Also capitalize both 'hits' and possibly 'rolled');

-building a roll: (this whole section doesn't capitalize 'roll' and neither do either of the 'optional' sections);

-'Skill or Risk dice' (the rest of the book capitalizes Dice here);

-synergy: 'When you're rolling dice' (pg. 3 pilot training capitalized 'Rolling' and also 'Dice');

-'When you're rolling dice as a Combat Action in your MEC this will cause you to generate' (Rolling Dice as a Combat Action in your MEC will cause you to generate');

-'Now lets get to the good stuff...' ('Now, let's get to the good stuff')

-pg. 5: Pilot training: 'rather they mirrorr' ('mirror');

-'how you determined' (should be 'determine');

-'Like we discussed on Pg. 3 this will determine' ('on Pg. 3, ');

-'Well it's not actually dice, the 7 Sages System' ('Well, it's not actually dice; the 7 Sages System');

-'unquantifiable super position' ('superposition' but since the word wraps here you could use a hyphen);

-medical info: 'I'll just give the two most important ones later' ('I'll just give you');

-'prescriptions and so' (either 'and so on' or 'and such.')

-pg. 6: gravity: 'All matter in the universe has Mass, all Mass creates Gravity' ('has Mass; all Mass');

-'This process works in reverse for lowering gravities, when you do things like' ('Gravities. When you do things like: ');

-'estranged friend, or reluctantly' (another oxford comma);

-the lists of increasing/decreasing Gravities (you might want to set these lists aside in brackets rather than in commas for the sake of clarity);

-'Call on these Gravity' ('Gravities');

-'Conversely if' ('Conversely, if');

-'struggle against someone dear to' ('dear to you');

-pilot exp track: 'can clear all checks from your Gravities' ('clear all Checks from');

-'Pilot Stat Training' ('Pilot Training Stat');

-resonance: 'green glowing crystals that seems to love' (should be either 'crystals that seem' or 'crystal that seems')

-pg. 7: chance: 'should always be random rolled' (should be 'Randomly Rolled');

-'This preserves an air of unpredictability and luck into the mix' (should be 'in the mix', or possibly change 'preserves' to 'adds');

-blood: 'you can always Roll on this chart' (so here is where I started to really get confused about 'Roll' capitalization. It can't be just skill dice if you Roll on the chart, but there are several other instances above this one on the page that don't capitalize);

-blood type table: (every section begins with a list of traits that has an oxford comma; but again, you don't usually use that so it should be removed for consistency);

-origin: 'It's important to remember your roots, after all it defines who you know and what you've learned.' ('remember your roots. After all, it defines');

-'immigrated to on like me' ('on' should be 'one')

-pg. 8: satelliter: 'While life is good here in the Bastions, people slip through the cracks a lot easier in those cities.' (for clarity change 'those cities.' to 'the Satellite Cities.');

-'they're willfully benefiting from it.' ('benefitting');

-local shop: 'at the friednly local pharmacy' ('friendly');

-miner: 'and whether under' (remove the 'and')

-pg. 9 eda politics: 'few laws that effect' (should be 'affect');

-Babel: 'decorate the Babel's dizzying heights' ('decorate Babel's dizzying heights');

-'pray on the faithful' (should be 'prey' unless the pun is intentional);

-Kunlun: 'some Kunlunians are go their whole lives' ('Kunlunians go')

-pg. 10: meru: 'the cities numerous labs' (should be 'city's');

-'monitors Wyrm fall' ('Wyrmfall' pagewrap, hyphen);

-qorikancha: (that first sentence is incredibly long and mixes up its tenses. Change to 'Once called the Golden City, Qorikancha was the heart of all the EDA's finances. It was also the primary launching station and control center for the Celestial Stem Satellite Network (CSSN).' If you want to keep longer sentences here consider a semicolon);

-'the Bastion was hit by rogue meteor' ('hit by a rogue meteor');

-'The first and most pressingly' ('The first and most pressing');

-'The second is that communications into the quarantine zone got... Difficult.' ('The second is that communication into the quarantine zone became... difficult.');

-'any teams sent in after the the first week's impact would never come back, considered MIA.' (change to 'Every team sent in the first week after the impact never came back, and are considered MIA.' Or something similar);

-asgard: 'is as renown' (should be 'is as renowned');

-'pure clean parasite free water' ('pure, clean, parasite free water'); 

-'While Asgard has kept a tight lip' (should be 'While Asgard has remained tight lipped' OR 'While Asgard has kept a tight lid'); 

-'its recently faced pressure' (should be 'it has recently faced pressure')

-pg. 11: taking debts: 'the part of your dream' (should be 'the Part of your dreams');

-part time jobs: (you should probably define 'rolling highs and lows' somewhere, and whether it merits a capital. the other time it's mentioned as 'Highs/Lows');

-part time job table 6: 'shleping' (should be 'schlepping');

-gravity: 'and triumphs, we call this pull Gravity' ('and triumphs; we call this pull Gravity');

-'or Random Roll some' ('Randomly Roll')

-pg. 12: the more things change the more they stay the same: 'Otherwise there's no formal procedures' ('Otherwise, there's no')

-pg. 13: the puppet: 'with so little there there' (I'm not certain what you were going for here, but it doesn't parse. Is an unreliable narrator both insulting and comforting the reader, while portmanteuing phrases?)

-pg. 14: the calculated: 'EX: Hayato' (why is there so much space?)

-pg. 15: resonance: 'Who we call Mavericks' (Should be 'Whom');

-'If you're a Pilot determine what kind' ('If you're a Pilot, determine what kind');

- neuro-sensitive: 'Your sense are' (should be 'senses')

-pg. 16: mec capable betyl: 'hulking steel titans going, so you it follows' ('so it follows');

-sourcing betyl: 'Some interpid miners' (should be 'intrepid'); 

-'But that supply isn't limited' (I assume it should be 'unlimited');

-other resonance: 'glow a resplendent white' ('White');

-'Oh an before you ask' ('Oh, and before you ask');

-'You guess is as good' ('Your guess is as good')

-pg. 17: pilot training stats: 'how many dice you'll roll' ('Roll');

-'Pilot Stats is a signify passion' (remove 'is a');

-'by rolling 6 d3+1' ('Rolling'?);

-presence: 'self, and others' (another oxford comma)

-pg. 18: medicals: 'Well I'm working on scanning your intake forms,' (pretty sure it should be 'While' not 'Well');

-pilot gen steps: 'Herer's' (Here's)

-pg. 19: 'Stats also have there own unique abbreviations!' ('their')

-pg. 20: mec building: 'I'll step you through the basics' ('walk you through');

-'construction, parts and similar terms' ('Parts');

-'Neurological Emissions Translator or NET link' ('Neurological Emissions Translator, or NET link');

-'You don't need a fancy surgery for it or anything, it just sits' ('or anything; it just sits')

-pg. 21: mec status: shields: 'concussion disbursing' ('disburse' is usually used to mean 'paying out money' and while it can function here, you probably want to use 'dispersing');

-integrity: 'can't drop into the negatives so the first time' ('negatives, so')

-pg. 21 (and 28): speed (and shift): 'This also applies to moving up or down one Space while Swimming or Flying' (pg 42. says 'any Unit can use Shift Actions and Boost to get themselves into the air.' So are you supposed to only be able to boost jump? Is the one space in addition to the speed? Can you change your height more than one space per shift? If you jump, can you move laterally midair to avoid difficult/dangerous terrain and reach otherwise inaccessible areas? Rather than 'this also applies to moving up or down one Space' add something like 'including vertical movement' to the previous sentence. Also, I assume you mean that you can shift/boost only directly upward and not move laterally without [Swimming]/[Flying]);

-both pages again: 'when Swimming or Flying' ('when [Swimming] or [Flying]')

-pg. 22: breaks: 'you do however still' ('you do, however, still');

-mec parts: 'Lets break down' (should be 'Let's');

-modifications: 'some GMs provide the opportunity to Modify Parts, this is where' ('Modify Parts, and this is where')

-pg. 23: mec stats and parts: 'Skill or Risk dice' (the rest of the book capitalizes Dice after either Skill or Risk, so it should here too);

-Durability: (claims to improve your a/c, which, unless it mean air conditioning, isn't in this game.)

-pg. 24: reading parts: 'Oh right you haven't' ('Oh right, you haven't');

-'Look some of this might' ('Look, some of this might');

-4: 'Finally each Part' ('Finally, each Part');

-basic atks: 'the above MEC Hammer's has a Basic ATK lets you roll either Roll using' ('the above MEC Hammer's Basic ATK lets you Roll either using');

-'The ATK's DMG type can either be imbued with a heated (B)urning' ('heated (B)laze');

-'When a DMG Element is listed you must pick one or use the Element provided' (you probably meant something like 'When multiple DMG Elements are listed you must pick one, but if there is only one you must use the Element provided.' Maybe also add a line about Neutral DMG?);

-fabled parts: 'Some MEC parts' ('Parts')

-pg. 25: Mec frames: 'in the bones of each customizable MEC is the greatest' ('MEC, is the');

-'Here's the how it all works' (remove the 'the');

-Basic info: 'This is where you keep you list your' (remove 'you keep');

-'By default a new fresh MEC frame' (probably only needs either 'new' or 'fresh'. Also could use a comma after 'default');

-upgrade nodes: 'By default MEC Frames' ('default, MEC Frames');

-bond: 'your Betyl remember' ('Betyl, remember')

-pg. 26: mec perks: the entire first paragraph (more than half of this first paragraph is copypasted from an old version of the next section 'Respecs');

-second paragraph: 'check of its bonus in on the front' ('check off its bonus on the front');

-'won't appear on the front of your Diagnostics sheet and that's because' ('Diagnostics sheet, and that's because');

 -armor sum: 'from parts you have increase armor' ('from parts you have that increase armor');

-(you might want to standardize 'Base Armor' and 'Armor' since they essentially mean the same thing);

-mec repairs: 'Garages is any safe' ('A Garage is any safe');

-(would 1s on an assist roll count towards the main roll's repair errors? The 'repair totally fails' error might want to happen immediately, simply to avoid forgetting how much was repaired);

-'Generally you don't roll' ('Generally, you don't Roll')