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A topic by DennyColt created Sep 03, 2023 Views: 220 Replies: 5
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(1 edit)

Hiya, I've done an editing pass of most of the files. It's broken down by file name, page number and heading. 


-page number: heading: 'Single quotes represent a section of book text that needs polish, hopefully enough included to easily and uniquely identify the passage' (brackets represent my comments or fixes 'Single quotes in a bracket are what changes should be made');

-additional section within the previous heading

This is mostly spelling and grammar, but includes style, form, meaning, rules and a bit of layout. I tried to work backwards from your style and keep true to your intent, changing as little as possible of your voice. Excepting a couple places that needed a bit or polish. I'm sure this isn't exhaustive, but at least it's extensive! Hopefully everything is clear and you find it useful!

#customize promo graphic

-'Mix and match over 180 Parts form 31 Classes' ('180 Parts from 31 Classes' (('over 180 Parts form 31 Classes' makes sense, but not with 'Mix and Match' at the beginning of the sentence)))

#metro jungle biome:

 -description at the top: 'Sky scrappers' (should be 'Skyscrapers');

-flooding cave: 'emanate blue' (should be 'emanate blue light');

 -overgrown district: 'peak out' (should be 'peek out', a building could peak out at a certain height ((such as above or below the trees)), but not from behind something);

-jungle thicket: 'thicket' and 'Thickets' (either capitalize both or neither. Power line thicket has a lower case one too);

-Dense jungle: 'Old-World trees are like a shrub to a mec but a Wyrm-Stalks' ('a shrub' should be 'shrubs', remove 'a' from before wyrm stalks);

-'Wyrm-Stalks' and 'Old-World' (should be 'Wyrm-stalks' and 'Old-world');

-overgrown district: 'Old world office buildings' ('Old-world' for consistency);

-arcade sink hole: 'old world' ('old-world');

-'sink hole' ('sinkhole');

-'have sunken' ('have sunk');

-clearing: 'tall glowing grass' ('tall, glowing grass')

-bashe plant: both counters: 'IF:' ('IF :' missing style space ((later counters tend to be written like this, along with most of the mechanics book, so I assume you defined it as you went on)), on both counters)

-fortune bug: 'on their back, Fortune Bugs' ('back; Fortune Bugs');

-mystery sack: 'Represent Fortune Bugs with a randomly rolled d6' (Is it supposed to be rolled only immediately before they get popped? Or are players supposed to know what number they're popping?);

-blood pitch sack: 'Range 5x5 - Self: Apply

 [Stuck]' (since it's the mec action that triggers this, can you choose where to place the aoe and whether to target yourself? Or is it the bug's action?);

-super charged sack: 'Gain an Immediate Free Action' (would be more clear as 'Take an Action Immediately as a Free Action');

-nozuchi: roller spike: 'Range 8 : move in a Straight Line' (This doesn't actually do much, because it has one target in range 8, how far it moves isn't defined and it doesn't call out being able to move through Units. 'Line 8' and repositioning to the farthest empty Space in the aoe would be the simplest solution I think.);

-barbed: 'IF:' ('IF :' missing style space)

-salamander: fire belly: 'Unit is Immune to Blazing' (Blaze, the damage type? or [Burning] the effect?);

-'IF' (should there be a colon here?);

-predatory: 'focus on DMGing (Thus eating) Swarm Units' (this means that any amount of damge dealt to a Swarm triggers Pheromone release? Or only the final point?)q

#midas convoy:

-biome effect: reinforce: 'Phalax Squad' ('Phalanx Squad');

-(is this a full group of 4?)

-midas sand rail heist: 'which has 4 Ballistas' (plural of ballista is technically 'ballistae');

-'This Platform is 12x12 Spaces big' ('12x12 Spaces large' would sound better);

-'If an Allied Unit falls off the Sand Rail without [Flying] while it's still moving, they'll take' (I'd change to 'If an Allied Unit without [Flying] falls off the Sand Rail (and while the Sand Rail is still moving), they'll take' to enhance clarity);

-'Pilots inside MECs survive easily' (which of the midas units are MECs?);

-(the section ends with 'MECs are free to Shift', but the sentence sounds odd and there's no closing punctuation. Did you mean to give a fallen mec a free shift action? Or simply that they can move after a fall?);

-open air railcar: 'no walls and thus Units' ('no walls, and thus, Units');

-wildlife rail car: 'Wyrms in Electro-Cage' ('Electro-cages');

-turret railcar: 'This open-air Rail Car' (all other instances use 'Railcar');

-aquilifier: 'a large variety rapid construction' ('a large variety of rapid construction');

-phalanx squad: coring beam: 'Range Line of Sight' (the core book says this is 'Range Any');

-centurion: flash missile: 'Range Line of Sight' (the core book says this is 'Range Any');

#Hydra Matriarch

-rampage: 'Move 8 Spaces : Units in the path' (This should probably specify that it can move through occupied Spaces);

-regurgitation feeding & two more grow back: (so these specify whelps and hatchlings respectively, healing one unit and spawning the other. Since pg. 37 in core mentions bosses can be capable of engaging a party by themselves, shouldn't the Unit the boss spawns be the Unit the boss heals? ((the hatchlings get ohko'd by burning anyway, so once the players figure that out it shouldn't be a problem)) or maybe it should heal hydra type units in general for future compatibility);

-two more grow back: 'Spawn a Hydra Hactchling Unit beside' ('Hatchling' also 'adjacent' rather than 'beside');

-hydra whelp: better than one: 'gain +1 SD per Hydra-Type Unit beside the ATK's Target' (is this supposed to only trigger for -other- hydra type units? Also, while easily understandable, I don't think 'Hydra type unit' is defined);

-(it should also read 'adjacent' rather than 'beside');

-hydra egg nest: basics: (there's a line break in the middle a separation colon, so the colon begins a line by itself which looks silly);

-(Presumably the hatchlings spawn in the same space the egg nest occupied, and the egg nest is removed. It would be handy to call that out);

-restless hatchlings: 'IF : there is an Enemy Unit adjacent to the Hatchling' (enemy unit refers to the players here? I think it would be good to use another term, maybe 'Pilot Unit'. Allied/Enemy should always be player facing, such as 'allied/enemy phase' which remain as such even if from the enemy's perspective. Perhaps refer by Faction or Biome? 'Non-Hydra Type Unit' or similar would be more generally helpful here, even if it is a bit limiting);

-(Is it supposed to trigger when next to a hatchling swarm, or next to the egg nest? ((My guess is that 'the Hatchling' here is a typo)) Do all eggs on the field hatch when this triggers?);

-hydra young: 'keep the most matured eggs nested in her stomach' ('nested' should be 'nestled')

#fenrir colony:

-bile blast: 'Max Once Per Enemy' ('Max Once Per Enemy Phase' probably);

-swallow the sun: 'IF:' ('IF :' missing style space);

-'if [Burning]... loses 5 VT then removes it' (on pg. 33 of core the [Burning] Status Effect describes enemy units taking 5 direct damage from counters that remove [Burning]. Presumably this is an unintended doubleup. Dread ooze has the same issue with its Combustive counter);

-clever wolf: (says it can split the free shift up on the allied phase, which I think is a misprint);

-dread mold: 'once it grows large enough it'll burst from the walls or oozes out from machinery' ('oozes' should be 'ooze');

-draugr: FEL BEAM: 'FEL BEAM' ('FELL BEAM');

-dread ooze: combustive: '[Burning] is Applied' ('IF : [Burning] is Applied to Dread Ooze');

-fenrir, draugr, and dread ooze descriptions: they're each described as 'molding' or 'molded' (should be 'moldering');

-fenrir desc.: 'sloshing dripping pitch' ('sloshing, dripping pitch');

-'oozing molding symbiotes' ('oozing, moldering symbiotes');

-draugr desc.: 'shambling molded MEC' ('shambling, moldering MEC');

-'oozing pulsing black mass' ('oozing, pulsing black mass')


-duelist custom: 'Move to Target' (There's no range here to target; if it can affect anyone it should probably say so);

-'For every Spaces of Flight the August goes down' ('For every Space the August descends while [Flying]');

-golden touch: 'Move to Target : Target the MEC with the most SYN' (again, is this line of sight? all the midas mooks specify when their abilities target los and Range Any. Core pg. 32 and mech shop iii both say Range Any is just line of sight anyway. And couldn't the Target spend all their syn on recharges/overshield at instant speed? It might want to call out if it goes on the stack in a special place);

-divine missile barrage: 'IF: no Targets are hit' (this 'IF:' could have a space, but it's the only IF statement buried in an enemy ability rather than at the front, so there's no precedent);

-'to d3 Target on the Field' ('Targets');

-mandate of heaven: 'Range 3x7' (There's no range here either, to place the aoe in; if it can be anywhere that should probably be specified);

-'cleaves the Earths' (either 'cleaves the Earth' or 'cleaves the Earth's crust');

-(also should probably only be once per turn cycle, maybe even every other, unless the only way to beat him is supposed to be make corroding stick/chip direct damage);

-unstoppable ambition: 'IF:' ('IF :' missing style space);

-rubicon protocol: 'IF : The August is down to 40 Integrity' (since this is a counter it should be 'The first time the August is reduced to 40 or less Integrity' or I think it might just trigger repeatedly);

-'or Apply [Burning]' (presumably it should be 'and Apply [Burning].' Also, it should specify if the burning replaces other status effects, or applies them in sequence ((granting the 2 direct damage)));

-magnify: 'use its Swarm ATK at any Range as long as it has Line of Sight' ('use its Swarm ATK at Range Any');

-philosopher's stone: 'Spawn 1 Golden Nanite Swarm' (should probably specify 'in an open Adjacent Space');

-pacifist war prince: 'A bold plan from a price who grew' ('price' should be 'prince')

#mec sheet:

Reminder text inconsistencies:

-mec status: soak: 'negates damage after shields' (core says soak works on shields)

-betyl bond: 'generate d6+2 syn' (core says d6+3 syn)

-uncontainable: '1 Free Shift Action Each Ally Phase' (frame sheet says any phase. also: it should read 'Allied Phase' if this is actually correct)

#pilot sheet:

-stat check: 'you can always roll less' ('you can always Roll fewer');

-roll table: (the reminder box here is pointing to even numbers that generate synergy. but those include risk dice. are risk dice supposed to also generate synergy? I assume not with the pg. 3 core statement that 'dice' refers to skill ((not risk)) dice and that syn is dice -you- roll ((unlike risk dice)). Also, maybe it should mention working on improvised actions);

-status effects: '[Effects]' ('[Effect]s' This one is on the low reminder text verison as well);

-mec actions: strategem: 'Second' ('Secondary');

-shift: 'Includes movng up or down one space if your MEC can [Fly] or [Swim]' (Is this one space in addition to regular speed? Can you only alter your height by 1 per shift action? The core book says any unit can move in any direction and then fall. pgs. 21, 28, 41, 42);

-syn burns: overshield: '[[Overshield]' ('[[Overshield]]');

-overshield and remove effect: 'From Self or adjacent Unit' (core does not say you can affect an adjacent unit with these on pg. 29, but the Synergy tracker sheet reminder text does);

-'[Communicate]]' ('[[Communicate]]');

-strategem guides: 'Second' ('Secondary')

#tension sheet

-dazed & stuck: 'You also Roll with +4 Risk' (core says +2 risk)


-blind folio pdf pg. 8: alert: 'As such there will' ('As such, there will');

-'filling out All of' ('filling out. All of')

-blind folio pdf pg. 9: 'especially well for something mecha-esc' (should be 'mecha-esque');

-'top-down rebalances and more the game' (should be 'and more, the game' you might want to consider separating the items in that list with semi-colons);

-what's missing: 'vehichle rules' ('vehicle rules');

-'Heck a whole standalone' ('Heck, a whole standalone')

-blind folio pdf pg. 10: special thanks to: (the first two lists use the oxford comma, while the third doesn't. The rest of the book tends to not use them, so it would be best to keep it consistent)

-blind folio pdf pg. 11: table of contents: 'Basics of Roling' ('Basics of Rolling')

-pg. 1: welcome mec pilots: 'Oh you're worried about' (should be 'Oh, you're worried about');

-giant robots and anime bombast: 'Titanfall (my beloved),GunXSword' (pretty sure there isn't a space between the comma and GunXSword)

-pg. 2: content warning and safety tools: 'but not they're not a replacement' (either 'but not' or 'they're not')

-pg. 3: pilot training 101: 'Oh man her handwriting is' ('Oh man, her handwriting is');

-'Oh and don't mind' ('Oh, and don't mind');

-'filling out any sheets we need to' ('filling out any sheets, we need to');

-'keep in mind that every roll is like a funnel' (you never explain what this means. The only other mention of 'funnel' is that 'rules funnel into these Rolls' on pg. 4, which is tautological at best. And 'roll' should be capitalized; you've got a lot of instances where it ought to be according to how you normally style it);

-'then roll to see' (here's another);

-basics of rolling: 'When referring generally to "Dice" instead of a d6, as in +1 Dice, it's safe to assume this refers to Skill Dice.' (That's an overcomplicated sentence and I suggest this for unambiguity: 'When referring to "Die" or "Dice," such as "+1 Die" or "Per 5 Dice," it's safe to assume this refers to d6s of Skill Dice.');

-'in the roll based off this chart' ('Roll');

-'roll Risk Dice' (is it not a 'Roll' if it isn't skill dice?);

-example roll: 'in an attempts to beam him' (should be 'in an attempt to bean him');

-'+1 Risk Dice' (should be '+1 Risk Die' (('Die' is the singular of 'Dice' ((one Die, two or more Dice)) so I bring it up whenever it's used incorrectly. You're fairly consistent with it, and the error is relatively minor, so you might want to change the couple times it's done correctly instead. they're on pages 41 and 29 in the mechanics shop, lucky lever action and dragon salvo core respectively.)));

-both 'he should roll' and 'Dante rolls with' ('Roll' and 'Rolls')

-pg. 4: Rolling stat checks: 'The most common roll you'll encounter is Rolls' (should be 'The most common Roll you'll encounter are Rolls');

-'you can borrow my copy of Realms and Reliquaries' (Is this an in-universe game? There are quite a few ((3)) recommendations to look up things the reader doesn't understand in, what I think is, an imaginary book; this is actively unhelpful for someone who actually doesn't understand);

-'Basically one Pilot' ('Basically, one Pilot');

-'total number of hits' ('Hits');

-'roll outside of combat' ('Roll');

-'a Roll will (statistically) results in hits equal to the number of Dice rolled +1-2' (A normal Roll will average hits equal to the dice rolled exactly, not +1-2. Also capitalize both 'hits' and possibly 'rolled');

-building a roll: (this whole section doesn't capitalize 'roll' and neither do either of the 'optional' sections);

-'Skill or Risk dice' (the rest of the book capitalizes Dice here);

-synergy: 'When you're rolling dice' (pg. 3 pilot training capitalized 'Rolling' and also 'Dice');

-'When you're rolling dice as a Combat Action in your MEC this will cause you to generate' (Rolling Dice as a Combat Action in your MEC will cause you to generate');

-'Now lets get to the good stuff...' ('Now, let's get to the good stuff')

-pg. 5: Pilot training: 'rather they mirrorr' ('mirror');

-'how you determined' (should be 'determine');

-'Like we discussed on Pg. 3 this will determine' ('on Pg. 3, ');

-'Well it's not actually dice, the 7 Sages System' ('Well, it's not actually dice; the 7 Sages System');

-'unquantifiable super position' ('superposition' but since the word wraps here you could use a hyphen);

-medical info: 'I'll just give the two most important ones later' ('I'll just give you');

-'prescriptions and so' (either 'and so on' or 'and such.')

-pg. 6: gravity: 'All matter in the universe has Mass, all Mass creates Gravity' ('has Mass; all Mass');

-'This process works in reverse for lowering gravities, when you do things like' ('Gravities. When you do things like: ');

-'estranged friend, or reluctantly' (another oxford comma);

-the lists of increasing/decreasing Gravities (you might want to set these lists aside in brackets rather than in commas for the sake of clarity);

-'Call on these Gravity' ('Gravities');

-'Conversely if' ('Conversely, if');

-'struggle against someone dear to' ('dear to you');

-pilot exp track: 'can clear all checks from your Gravities' ('clear all Checks from');

-'Pilot Stat Training' ('Pilot Training Stat');

-resonance: 'green glowing crystals that seems to love' (should be either 'crystals that seem' or 'crystal that seems')

-pg. 7: chance: 'should always be random rolled' (should be 'Randomly Rolled');

-'This preserves an air of unpredictability and luck into the mix' (should be 'in the mix', or possibly change 'preserves' to 'adds');

-blood: 'you can always Roll on this chart' (so here is where I started to really get confused about 'Roll' capitalization. It can't be just skill dice if you Roll on the chart, but there are several other instances above this one on the page that don't capitalize);

-blood type table: (every section begins with a list of traits that has an oxford comma; but again, you don't usually use that so it should be removed for consistency);

-origin: 'It's important to remember your roots, after all it defines who you know and what you've learned.' ('remember your roots. After all, it defines');

-'immigrated to on like me' ('on' should be 'one')

-pg. 8: satelliter: 'While life is good here in the Bastions, people slip through the cracks a lot easier in those cities.' (for clarity change 'those cities.' to 'the Satellite Cities.');

-'they're willfully benefiting from it.' ('benefitting');

-local shop: 'at the friednly local pharmacy' ('friendly');

-miner: 'and whether under' (remove the 'and')

-pg. 9 eda politics: 'few laws that effect' (should be 'affect');

-Babel: 'decorate the Babel's dizzying heights' ('decorate Babel's dizzying heights');

-'pray on the faithful' (should be 'prey' unless the pun is intentional);

-Kunlun: 'some Kunlunians are go their whole lives' ('Kunlunians go')

-pg. 10: meru: 'the cities numerous labs' (should be 'city's');

-'monitors Wyrm fall' ('Wyrmfall' pagewrap, hyphen);

-qorikancha: (that first sentence is incredibly long and mixes up its tenses. Change to 'Once called the Golden City, Qorikancha was the heart of all the EDA's finances. It was also the primary launching station and control center for the Celestial Stem Satellite Network (CSSN).' If you want to keep longer sentences here consider a semicolon);

-'the Bastion was hit by rogue meteor' ('hit by a rogue meteor');

-'The first and most pressingly' ('The first and most pressing');

-'The second is that communications into the quarantine zone got... Difficult.' ('The second is that communication into the quarantine zone became... difficult.');

-'any teams sent in after the the first week's impact would never come back, considered MIA.' (change to 'Every team sent in the first week after the impact never came back, and are considered MIA.' Or something similar);

-asgard: 'is as renown' (should be 'is as renowned');

-'pure clean parasite free water' ('pure, clean, parasite free water'); 

-'While Asgard has kept a tight lip' (should be 'While Asgard has remained tight lipped' OR 'While Asgard has kept a tight lid'); 

-'its recently faced pressure' (should be 'it has recently faced pressure')

-pg. 11: taking debts: 'the part of your dream' (should be 'the Part of your dreams');

-part time jobs: (you should probably define 'rolling highs and lows' somewhere, and whether it merits a capital. the other time it's mentioned as 'Highs/Lows');

-part time job table 6: 'shleping' (should be 'schlepping');

-gravity: 'and triumphs, we call this pull Gravity' ('and triumphs; we call this pull Gravity');

-'or Random Roll some' ('Randomly Roll')

-pg. 12: the more things change the more they stay the same: 'Otherwise there's no formal procedures' ('Otherwise, there's no')

-pg. 13: the puppet: 'with so little there there' (I'm not certain what you were going for here, but it doesn't parse. Is an unreliable narrator both insulting and comforting the reader, while portmanteuing phrases?)

-pg. 14: the calculated: 'EX: Hayato' (why is there so much space?)

-pg. 15: resonance: 'Who we call Mavericks' (Should be 'Whom');

-'If you're a Pilot determine what kind' ('If you're a Pilot, determine what kind');

- neuro-sensitive: 'Your sense are' (should be 'senses')

-pg. 16: mec capable betyl: 'hulking steel titans going, so you it follows' ('so it follows');

-sourcing betyl: 'Some interpid miners' (should be 'intrepid'); 

-'But that supply isn't limited' (I assume it should be 'unlimited');

-other resonance: 'glow a resplendent white' ('White');

-'Oh an before you ask' ('Oh, and before you ask');

-'You guess is as good' ('Your guess is as good')

-pg. 17: pilot training stats: 'how many dice you'll roll' ('Roll');

-'Pilot Stats is a signify passion' (remove 'is a');

-'by rolling 6 d3+1' ('Rolling'?);

-presence: 'self, and others' (another oxford comma)

-pg. 18: medicals: 'Well I'm working on scanning your intake forms,' (pretty sure it should be 'While' not 'Well');

-pilot gen steps: 'Herer's' (Here's)

-pg. 19: 'Stats also have there own unique abbreviations!' ('their')

-pg. 20: mec building: 'I'll step you through the basics' ('walk you through');

-'construction, parts and similar terms' ('Parts');

-'Neurological Emissions Translator or NET link' ('Neurological Emissions Translator, or NET link');

-'You don't need a fancy surgery for it or anything, it just sits' ('or anything; it just sits')

-pg. 21: mec status: shields: 'concussion disbursing' ('disburse' is usually used to mean 'paying out money' and while it can function here, you probably want to use 'dispersing');

-integrity: 'can't drop into the negatives so the first time' ('negatives, so')

-pg. 21 (and 28): speed (and shift): 'This also applies to moving up or down one Space while Swimming or Flying' (pg 42. says 'any Unit can use Shift Actions and Boost to get themselves into the air.' So are you supposed to only be able to boost jump? Is the one space in addition to the speed? Can you change your height more than one space per shift? If you jump, can you move laterally midair to avoid difficult/dangerous terrain and reach otherwise inaccessible areas? Rather than 'this also applies to moving up or down one Space' add something like 'including vertical movement' to the previous sentence. Also, I assume you mean that you can shift/boost only directly upward and not move laterally without [Swimming]/[Flying]);

-both pages again: 'when Swimming or Flying' ('when [Swimming] or [Flying]')

-pg. 22: breaks: 'you do however still' ('you do, however, still');

-mec parts: 'Lets break down' (should be 'Let's');

-modifications: 'some GMs provide the opportunity to Modify Parts, this is where' ('Modify Parts, and this is where')

-pg. 23: mec stats and parts: 'Skill or Risk dice' (the rest of the book capitalizes Dice after either Skill or Risk, so it should here too);

-Durability: (claims to improve your a/c, which, unless it mean air conditioning, isn't in this game.)

-pg. 24: reading parts: 'Oh right you haven't' ('Oh right, you haven't');

-'Look some of this might' ('Look, some of this might');

-4: 'Finally each Part' ('Finally, each Part');

-basic atks: 'the above MEC Hammer's has a Basic ATK lets you roll either Roll using' ('the above MEC Hammer's Basic ATK lets you Roll either using');

-'The ATK's DMG type can either be imbued with a heated (B)urning' ('heated (B)laze');

-'When a DMG Element is listed you must pick one or use the Element provided' (you probably meant something like 'When multiple DMG Elements are listed you must pick one, but if there is only one you must use the Element provided.' Maybe also add a line about Neutral DMG?);

-fabled parts: 'Some MEC parts' ('Parts')

-pg. 25: Mec frames: 'in the bones of each customizable MEC is the greatest' ('MEC, is the');

-'Here's the how it all works' (remove the 'the');

-Basic info: 'This is where you keep you list your' (remove 'you keep');

-'By default a new fresh MEC frame' (probably only needs either 'new' or 'fresh'. Also could use a comma after 'default');

-upgrade nodes: 'By default MEC Frames' ('default, MEC Frames');

-bond: 'your Betyl remember' ('Betyl, remember')

-pg. 26: mec perks: the entire first paragraph (more than half of this first paragraph is copypasted from an old version of the next section 'Respecs');

-second paragraph: 'check of its bonus in on the front' ('check off its bonus on the front');

-'won't appear on the front of your Diagnostics sheet and that's because' ('Diagnostics sheet, and that's because');

 -armor sum: 'from parts you have increase armor' ('from parts you have that increase armor');

-(you might want to standardize 'Base Armor' and 'Armor' since they essentially mean the same thing);

-mec repairs: 'Garages is any safe' ('A Garage is any safe');

-(would 1s on an assist roll count towards the main roll's repair errors? The 'repair totally fails' error might want to happen immediately, simply to avoid forgetting how much was repaired);

-'Generally you don't roll' ('Generally, you don't Roll')

-pg. 27: mec combat: 'very carefully and maybe' ('carefully, and maybe');

-combat flow: 'turns or Actions, allowing' ('turns, or Actions')

-pg. 28: action economy: 'This means that if decide to spend' (should be 'This means that if you decide to spend');

-taking dmg: 'flatly by your Soak Next. Next you can' (remove the first 'Next');

-basic mec actions: 'these ATKs are listed on you parts' (should be 'on your Parts');

-overkill: 'thereby rolling less dice' (should be 'fewer dice')

-pg. 29: free actions: overheat: 'take 1 Direct Damage directly to your integrity' (you probably don't need the 'directly');

-burn synergy: 'battle field' (should be one word 'battlefield');

-overshield: 'buy 1 Shield' (you usually use 'Shields' as the stat name, so '1 Shields' is grammatically correct, and you use the singular 'Shield' less than phrases like '+1 Shields' so I bring it up each time. If it feels awkward you can always say 'point of Shields' as a singular);

-amplify: 'a Roll +1 Skill Dice' ('Roll +1 Skill Die');

-remove effect: 'You could also Remove an Effect' ('[Effect]');

-flash action: '12 Syn (the default max) of to burn' (remove the 'of')

-pg. 30: example: 'Charged Action "Infectious Claw" ' (other instances always use the term 'Charge Action' not 'Charged');

-'Carmilla's MEC, thus' ('Carmilla's MEC; thus');

-(no instance of 'roll' in the example is capitalized)

-pg. 31: strategems: 'in my exper opinion' ('expert');

-'heavy ordinances' ('heavy ordnances');

-'earth shacking hits' ('earth shaking hits');

-'an instant speed alternate abilities' ('ability');

-'all the minutia there' ('minutiae');

-intervention: 'Free Instant Action' (I don't think there's a definition of 'Instant Action' anywhere. To fit in, rephrase as 'instant speed Free Action' even though free actions happen at instant speed anyway so the only reason to keep that is as a reminder);

-'Turn Cycle and it' ('Turn Cycle, and it');

-chance: '{IF:}' (the most often used form of this ((in the mech shop and enemy stats)) has more spaces, which I took as the intended style '{ IF : }');

-pg. 32: 3: 'it just give you options' (should be 'it just gives you options')

-4: Targetted at yourself, others allow' ('Targetted at yourself; others allow');

-'you can refer to the common ranges glossary on pg. 32' (it's on page 31);

-'you may choose whether or not the ability effects you' (should be 'whether or not the ability affects you');

-6: 'an abilities' results' ('an ability's results');

-the chart on the right: [Each Double/Triple/Quad]: 'For instance; Five 1s rolled could mean two Doubles, a Triple, and a Quad' (if it means all of them at once, change 'could' to 'would.' If it doesn't then change 'and a Quad' to 'or a Quad.' Plus that semicolon should be a regular colon, and maybe capitalize 'rolled');

-'<Apply [Effect]> applies' and '{If:} conditionals' (these headers are used as part of their descriptions, unlike the previous entries. Not incorrect, but also not a unified style. To change that, 'applies' and 'conditionals' should both be preceeded by '- This' and '- These' respectively);

-the previous two entries: they also apply to the same chart on pg. iii of the mechanics shop, and are noted there;

-7: 'one of three categories that listed here' ('that are listed here')

-pg. 33: elements and status effects: 'Which ignores Soak, Shields, and other forms' (another oxford comma that should be removed);

-elemental detonation: 'get to roll an additional' ('Roll')

-pg. 34: status effects and their removal: 'a specific reaction certain effects being applied' ('reaction to certain');

-improvised actions: 'or Push them for just one square?' (probably should be 'or Push them just one Space?');

-'roll TOR' ('Roll');

-remembering it all: 'Why not strap into one of the training MECs? It's built from the ground up' (assuming that there will eventually be multiple training MECs, 'They're built from the ground up')

-pg. 36: running the game: 'once you step into the roll of Garrison Manager' ('step into the role' unless this is a pun);

-'but once what the tools you're working with are' ('but once you learn what the tools');

-unit sheets: 'this is where unit sheets come it' ('come in')

-pg. 37: [SIZE]: 'This Unit auto-negates 1 Push/Pull' (Neither Push nor Pull are defined anywhere. It also would be useful to know if you can push/pull less than the listed amount ((or not at all)) for some abilities and still get the rest of the effect, how things like 'pull to your side' are affected by push/pull resistance, and how it interacts with difficult terrain);

-[IMMUNE]: 'This lists all the [Effects]' ('[Effect]s')

-pg. 38: unit abilities: 'this simply means roll Skill Dice' ('Roll');

-zone gen #: 'roll d6s equal' ('Roll');

-spawn number: 'Zone Gen # is rolled' ('Rolled');

-hits number: 'Each Dice rolled' ('Each Die Rolled');

-swarm merging: 'At the start or end of a Swarm's Shift Action it is free to merge with other adjacent Swarms who are the same to combine into a single Swarm Unit.' (That's a heck of a sentence, and it doesn't actually explain what 'merging' means. Try: 'At the start or end of a Swarm's Shift Action it can, as a Free Action, merge with all adjacent Swarms with which it shares a name. In doing so, it absorbs them into itself: removing the adjacent Swarms from the map and adding all their current #s values to its own.')

-pg. 39: 'At 8x8 Spaces, a Zone' (remove the comma);

-populating zones: 'this will create a challenging, varied encounters' (remove the 'a')

-pg. 40: terrain integrity: 'fragile Terrain that cause [Effects]' ('fragile Terrain that causes [Effect]s');

-on foot areas: 'A simple Swarm Enemy for a MEC, becomes a potentially' (remove the comma)

-pg. 41: effects in the water: 'If the unit was previously [Burning] the Effect is removed' (should be '[Effect]');

-unit sizes on a z axis: '1x1x1 Flying MECs' ('1x1x1 [Flying] MECs')

-pg. 42: boosting into the sky: 'Wyrms can bound into giant leap' ('leaps'); 

-'catch a glimpse of life in the air' (the word 'air' was in the previous sentence, so consider changing the second one to something like 'life in the clouds');

-'a Wyrm that's [Flying] 5 Spaces.' ('a Wyrm that's [Flying] 5 Spaces High.');

-Flight Combat:' (You might want to give this section another read through, as while nothing is incorrect it's currently very easy to misunderstand. 'Max. height of 6 Spaces above the "0" of the combat grid's Z axis' by which you mean ((I think)) 'a MEC standing on the ground is at a height of 0' but which can be read 'the ground is the Z axis with a height of 0, and a MEC standing on it is at a height of 1.' I believe most board game notation ((chess as a notable example)) begins at 1-1 rather than 0-0, which will likely cause confusion. Maybe a small visual representation? eg.:

Z axis

#|0|1|2|3|4|5 |6 |



Where # is the ground a MEC is standing on.)

-pg. 43: tension tracker: 'Make sure you group has some experience' ('your group');

-enrage: 'Gain 1 Tension if a Pilot Negates all DMG from an ATK' (this includes using shields to negate damage, correct?)

-pg. 44: tension burns: 'these Tension Burns ostensibly happen at instantly' (remove the 'at');

-'Clash, Charge, etx' ('etc.');

-field effects: 'Some Biomes have their own [Field Effects]' ('Some Biomes have their own [Field Effect]s');

-universal burns: burn 3 empower: 'See the section below' (the section is to the left);

-symphony: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 45: objectives: 'choose to either fight or runaway from' ('run away');

-objective table 2: 'or MVP in the area' (you probably mean 'VIP');

-data extraction: 'After a question is asked a wave of Enemies will appear to intercept, if survived the question will be answered.' ('After a question is asked, a wave of Enemies will appear to intercept. If survived, the question will be answered.');

-'before asking a question, Pilots can cut their losses' (remove the comma);

-base crawl: 'whatever info they scrounged before hand' ('whatever info they scrounged beforehand' since this is again broken up by pagewrap you could hyphen it);

-ancient ruins: 'threatens the Pilots, in this largely puzzle-based' (remove the comma)

-pg. 46: campaigns and progression: 'Each Deployment exists as part of an Episode larger Campaign (Season).' (if 'Episode' said 'Episodic' it would parse);

-scrapping/ripping: 'When making rolls to Scrap or Rip' ('Rolls');

-back at base: 'camping in the Outlands, or most importantly' (here's another oxford comma that should go)

-pg. 47: zone generation: '(Fields) that can be rolled' ('Rolled');

-'Shorter 2 hour Deployment only needs 1-3 Zones' ('A shorter 2 hour Deployment only needs 1-3 Zones');

-'if you roll a prompt' ('Roll');

-zone threat level: 'roll Highs/Lows' ('Roll')

-pg. 48: biome generation: 'an EDA camp or an Oultander farm' ('Outlander');

-'Where does is sleep?' ('Where does it sleep?');

-'For each Boss determine' ('For each Boss, determine');

-'Zone generation and Unit deployment is far from an exact science, you'll need to' ('far from an exact science, so you'll need to');

-hunt variants: 'changing a Boss' element or causing giving them a posse' (remove 'causing');

-variant table: fed: (you use 'fresh' twice in the same sentence referring to both energy and time. One should probably change to a synonym)

-pg. 49: pick a theme: 'a ruthless warlord how burns all' (should be 'who burns all');

-pick 1 or 2 elements: '[Effects]' ('[Effect]s');

-determine abilities: 'Consider the designing different abilities:' ('Consider the following when');

-'Units with lots of clashes and counters will fill more nimble' ('feel more nimble');

-'fighting the same unit multiple time.' ('times');

-determine vt/intg/shields: 'Likewise Soak' ('Likewise, Soak');

-'[Effects]' ('[Effect]s');

-enemy part breaks: 'That said when it comes' ('That said, when it comes');

-'roll on the MEC' ('Roll');

-determine size: 'Units will as a result have more' ('Units will, as a result, have more');

-'up to Flying Pilots' ('up to [Flying] Pilots');

-determine spawn: 'Boss Units Spawn on their own, some beefier Units also do.' ('on their own; some beefier');

-'These Squads are generally best left to more difficult Enemy Units.' (does this mean "You should make These Squads be more difficult than an average Enemy Unit?")

-pg. 50: unit difficulty: 'While Pilots will max out... against your Pilots' (you might want to change 'your Pilots' to 'them' to avoid repeating the same phrase);

-'That said this can be' ('That said, this can be')

-pg. 51: the known timeline: 'Initiative's Chief staff' ('Chief Staff' would probably look better);

-2041: 'Widely known as the "Olympian Initiative" Pantheon aimed' ('Widely known as the "Olympian Initiative," Pantheon aimed');

-2043: 'Publicly this was simply to test' ('Publicly, this was simply to test');

-'Secretly the company' ('Secretly, the company');

-(I would rearrange this sentence to 'Secretly, the company had discovered, deep below the Moon's surface, ruins of an alien race they'd named "The Anunnaki."');

-'Operartion Omphalos' primary directive' ('Operation');

-2045: 'safely explore Earth's orbit and further explore the Moon.' ('safely explore both Earth's orbit and the Moon' just to avoid doubling up on 'explore');

-2047: 'has risen 2C' (use '2°C' if possible);

-2069: 'still in production; Hesperides and Arcadia' (use a regular colon rather than a semicolon);

-2079: 'as Leviathan the Mother of Wyrms breaks' ('as Leviathan, the Mother of Wyrms, breaks);

-'relocate climate refugees in space.' ('relocate climate refugees into space.');

-0001NC; 'annihilated by the torrent Wyrms.' ('by the torrent of Wyrms.')

-pg. 52: wyrmfall: 'the twist cauldron of shifting flesh' ('twisting');

-'something of a living birthing bit.' (I don't know what you mean by 'birthing bit.' Birthing bath? As in a water birth?);

-rapid evolution: 'The defining feature of Wyrm ecologies are their ability' ('is their ability');

-terran ecology: 'eg pre-Awakening Earth' ('ie. Pre-Awakening Earth');

-('Ecology' is used way too often to read well here. Consider changing up some of the wording. Also you should decide on whether or not it is capitalized);

-'While mammals like Pigs, Cats and primates primarily only exist' (either capitalize all the animals for the style, or none at all. And I would change the last bit to 'primarily exist only');

-'of course ants, can still be found' (remove the comma);

-'never ending supply' ('never-ending supply');

-wyrm flora: 'smog chocked' ('smog choked');

-'Flora' (just a note, 'flora' is an odd word that is used in a lot of different ways with little consensus; you use 'floras' and 'flora' both as a plural and it's unclear if you mean unique plants or entire biospheres. Also it should be 'Hybrid-flora')

-pg. 53: corporations of the new century: 'but none of the can consider themselves innocent' ('but none of them' ((you could actually cut it down to 'but none can consider theselves innocent')));

-jiangshi: 'From there the company moved from' (To remove the doubled up 'from' I would change 'From there' to either 'Then', 'Later', or 'Soon');

-'Print-On-Demand part designs' ('Part');

-'making custom MEC parts' ('Parts');

-nkondi: 'Anyone who coexists with Wyrms will tell you that not every Wyrm is equally interested in coexisting.' (change the last bit to 'not every Wyrm is equally interested in coexisting back.');

-midas: 'expanded MF's production and available product two-fold' (when using product as a mass noun you imply a homogeny, and in this case it could mean that midas now has twice the number of things in stock, not new designs as I think you want. changing it to 'products' or 'product lines' would remove the ambiguity)

-pg. 54: nekos: 'Thus she formed' ('Thus, she formed');

-'operating out of dried oil rigs' ('dried up oil rigs');

-Babaylan: 'Babayla Biotics pioneered' ('Babaylan');

-tagline: (is it really supposed to be 'growing a stronger'?);

-longhouse: 'developments and production all manner' ('of all manner');

-golden calf: 'have a reputation being less than reliable' ('have a reputation of being less than reliable');

-tchaikovsky: ' "Crimson Squad" led by' (' "Crimson Squad," led by')

-pg. 56: eater of worlds: 'annihilate buildings' ('annihilated buildings');

-chosen chorus: 'return to his Choire' ('Choir');

-'my heart wants to sing every song its hears' ('it hears');

-web of life: 'what the Anunnaki did to bretheren' ('his' bretheren? 'their' bretheren? 'our'?);

-black betyl: 'Caked in antarctic ice a single shard of Betyl' ('Caked in Antarctic ice, a single shard of Betyl');

-first wyrm: 'from his mothers womb all he could hear' ('from his mother's womb, all he could hear');

-pandora's box: 'If he could be Awakone' (I assume a typo of 'awakened')

-pg. 58: flexing hp: 'Players will roll' ('Roll');

-'If you do this, however,' (you just used 'however' in the previous paragraph and may want to consider changing up the wording);

-'ensure to give your Pilots' ('be sure to give your Pilots');

-encourage creativity: 'Sometimes your Pilots' will' ('Pilots will');

-'they have access to Creative Actions' ('they have access to the Improvise Action');

-building encounters: 'In Steel Hearts each Pilot and MEC will have situations where they're incredibly strong and incredibly vulnerable' (unless you mean at the same time, in the same situation it would be more clear as 'where they're either incredibly strong or incredibly vulnerable');

-'try to learn your these strengths' (remove either 'your' or 'these')

-pg. 59: npc death: 'You should attempt to make...' (You tack on several 'and's to this sentence, which makes it neither swift nor brutal. also the last 'and' shouldn't have that oxford comma);

-'taking a life is a nasty thing and Pilots should' ('nasty thing, and Pilots should');

-'each kill they make, and when they hit 10 or more kills, their Betyl' ('10 or more kills their Betyl');

-for that same sentence: (since you've got several conjunctions here you might want to split this long sentence into its two independent clauses. ie. the 'and' from 'kill they make, and when they hit');

-wyrm death: 'As a GM understand' ('As a GM, understand');

-'They a part of nature' ('They are a part of nature');

-'threat to nature itself making these moral waters' ('itself, making')

-pg. 60: weaving themes: 'throw a wrench in the work' ('in the works')

-blind folio pdf pg. 79: 'you see pool of lights dance' ('you see a pool of lights dance' or 'you see pools of lights dance' unless this was intentional)


-blind folio pdf pg. 1: alert: 'As such there will' ('As such, there will');

-'filling out All of' ('filling out. All of')

-pg. i: 'the shorthand you'll into within Part readouts' ('you'll run into within');

-'Most MECs will only be revolving around' ('will only revolve around');

-rules reminder: '> [Effects] last' ('> [Effect]s last')

-pg. ii: 3: 'favored Stats. the role' ('favored Stats, the role');

-stat boosts: '(up to the Max)' (you may want reminder text that the stat max is 9);

-reading a basic atk: 'a unit within 2 Range of the ATKer' (should probably say either 'Range 2' or '2 Spaces')

-pg. iii: 4: 'If an area of effect (AOE) range includes Self you may choose whether or not the Ability effects you' (change 'Self' to 'yourself' to fit with page 32 of the core and remove the amibiguity that an AOE range needs to say 'Self' ((another range)) to be able to target yourself. Also 'effects' should be 'affects');

-[Each Double/Triple/Quad]: 'For instance; Five 1s rolled could mean two Doubles, a Triple, and a Quad' (if it means all of them at once, change 'could' to 'would'. If it doesn't then change 'and a Quad' to 'or a Quad.' Plus that semicolon should be a regular colon, and maybe capitalize 'rolled');

-'<Apply [Effect]> applies' and '{If:} conditionals' (these headers are used as part of their descriptions, unlike the previous entries. Not incorrect, but also not a unified style. To change that, 'applies' and 'conditionals' should both be preceeded by '- This' and '- These' respectively);

-the previous two entries: they also apply to the same chart on pg. 32 of the core book, and are noted there;

-7: 'one of three categories that listed here' (change to 'that are')

-pg. iv: back up core: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-heat hatchet: 'just as easy' ('just as easily');

-tracer rifle: 'focus: blaze damage' (it deals acid damage) ((oh I see what happened; heat hatchet's focus is 'basic atk/syn'. they should be transposed))

-pg. v: diving in: 'Add +1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-shields up: 'IF: You or an Ally Will take DMG' ('IF : You or an Ally will take DMG')

-pg. 2: blinding flash/beacon of hope: (it doesn't specify respecting friendly fire, so it will apply [Dazed] to allies, and then remove it, which possibly pings them for 2 direct damage from an Elemental Shuffle, and also activate grounded giving them an additional 2 syn. and you can target yourself with it for the same benefits/damage);

-shield bash: 'PIERCE' (should be 'HONED')

-pg. 3: tracker helm: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-ranger core: 'While, Ranger MECs work well' (remove the comma)

-buckshot wrists: 'HONED shrapnel' (nothing about this part deals honed damage);

- (are gauss carbine's basic and tracker's reflex supposed to deal cryo damage?)

-pg. 5: syphon talisman: 'focus: shift' (no longer does anything with shifting);

-'Sown with' (not necessarily incorrect, but 'sown' refers to planting seeds. If you meant 'put together with' it would be 'sewn'. And the flavor text also mentions the previous iteration's ability)

-pg. 7: rage engine: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-'the many engines of the RAGE engine' (consider something like 'many cylinders of the RAGE engine')

-pg. 9: targetting helm: 'a small cluster of micro-missiles tops off this vital helm' (it comes with no missiles);

-(all the focuses claim fin/com while most of the attacks and strats want fin/dur.);

-Shoulder mortar: (attacks with fin/mob which is not wrong, but strange. and its focus lies about blaze damage)

-pg. 11: universal access staff: (its secondary slot has a price tag of 15k. also, is it supposed to attack with com/mob?)

-pg. 12: shield drones: '+1 Shield to each Target' (You usually use 'Shields' as the stat, so a use of the singular 'Shield' seems out of place);

-rapid armor: '+1 Shields to Targets' (there's only one target, and you don't usually specify because it's assumed that strategems affect their targets. for example, nanite armor doesn't mention targets on its shield granting ability. I assume shield drones does to bring attention to its aoe)

-pg. 13: cyber thighs: (doesn't have an element; is it supposed to be neutral?);

-conductive nanchucks: (unless this is a pun it should be 'nunchucks')

-pg. 14: lightning kicks: 'Roll +1 Dice' ('Roll +1 Die:)

-pg. 15: medical beak: 'the severs housed within' ('the servers housed within');

-(all the focuses claim com/dur while the strats use com/fin);

-(vial bandolier's focus claims to improve syn);

-('ordinance' is used 3 times on the alchemist's two pages (toxic ordinance twice and in the flavor of grenade launcher) but the word you want is 'ordnance' (no i))

-pg. 17: focuses: incorrectly claim they benefit from 'cha' and occasionally 'com';

-harmonizer: 'musician and a maestro, is their' (remove the comma);

-concussive amp: (the flavor text uses 'after' twice in one sentence; the second one could be replaced by 'with')

 -pg. 18: limelight: 'Effected allies' (should be 'affected'. Are those allies supposed to still take damage?)

-pg. 19: Bashee description: (refers to it as the 'Siren');

-(a bit weird its basic atks use a completely different set of stats)

-pg. 22: soothing song: '+1 Shield' (twice) (again, you usually use the stat name 'Shields' so the singular feels out of place)

-pg. 23: celestial description: 'ocassional bust of local grave robbers' (should be 'occasional');

-graceful core: 'In the "City of Faiths" one of a Defender's greatest and most sacred duties in Babel' (should only have either 'in the city of faiths' or 'in babel'. If it's the first, put a comma after 'Faiths')

-pg. 24: rebuke: (has no stats to form a dice pool);

-sacrifice: 'Gain +1 Dice per Shield Expended' ('Gain +1 Die' and singular 'Shield')

-pg. 25: nocturne: (this corp is referred to as 'Tchaikovsky' in the core book)

-pg. 26: re-entry: '<Add +1 Dice per Space you were Flying>' ('<+1 Die per Space you descended>' );

-defender: '+1 Shield' (again, should probably be 'Shields');

-absorption dome: 'IF:' ('IF : ')

-pg. 27: deep sea core: 'those who been displaced' (remove 'who been' so that it just says 'those displaced')

-pg. 29: dragoon description: 'latestest' ('latest');

-rider's plume: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-cryo guandao: 'outlanders say snow fall in summer' ('snowfall');

-'their cryo guando often freezes' ('guandao')

-pg. 30: flash freeze: 'Target has no Effects' ('Target has no [Effect]');

-cutting winds: 'Can Push 3 Space' ('3 Spaces')

-pg. 31: pack leader helm: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-(this could be a standard IF statement. also 'rolls' should be 'Rolls);

-wildshape core: 'edge over tanks and plans' ('planes')

-pg. 32: one shall fall: '[EACH HIT] = +2 DMG' ('[EACH HIT] = 2 DMG')

-pg. 33: duelist description: 'fine honed killing machine' ('finely honed killing machine');

-fencer heels: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die') ((twice));

-buster lance: 'seige weapon' ('siege weapon')

-pg. 35: exorcist description: 'Where often their designs focus on Scrapping the Exorcist is purpose built' ('Scrapping, the Exorcist');

-chilling chains: 'Pull a Units' ('Pull a Unit' or 'Pull Units' depending on if it's an aoe);

-decoy balloons: 'disguise a Scrapper teams smaller numbers' ('disguise a Scrapper team's smaller numbers');

-geist rifle: (strange that it uses dur/com basic atk when the rest assumes dur/atu)

-pg. 36: accelerate: '{ IF:' ('{ IF :') ((twice))

-pg. 37: hawk sensors: '[PASSIVE] : [Strategems] and [Basic ATK]s gain: +1 Dice IF you are Flying before the Roll' (rather than being in the middle this passive's IF statement should follow the standard formatting '[PASSIVE] : IF : You are [Flying] before the Roll [Strategems] and [Basic ATK]s gain: +1 Die');

-'scanning the battlefield for all every possible point of attack' (remove 'all');

-flight core: 'at a moments notice' ('at a moment's notice');

-tempered talons: 'implanted enemies' (I think you mean 'entrenched enemies');

-heat smg: 'While expensive the rounds are' ('While expensive, the rounds are')

-pg. 38: sinking talons: '<Add +1 Dice per Space you were Flying>' ('<+1 Die per Space you descended>')

-pg. 39: tournament core: 'to start to give' (remove 'to start')

-pg. 40: impact: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-fighting spirit: '+1 Shield' ('Shields')

-pg. 41: gaccha core: (doesn't raise the soak cap so the +5 soak version only gives up to +4. Also, I generally see it spelled 'Gacha');

-chaos cube: 'is the results of' ('is the result of')

-pg. 42: gambler's palm: '{ IF : You are at 12 SYN when Rolling }' (Does this trigger if you have more than 12, or only exactly 12?);

- 'manipulate the results of 3 of your Dice Rolls to be your desired roll' (do you decide before or after the dice are rolled?) (and for clarity it should say '3 of your Rolled Dice')

-pg. 43: seismic soles: 'it makes for fertile soil for terraforming' (remove the first 'for');

-slinger palms: 'euqally' ('equally')

-pg. 44: hell & heaven: 'per Shield lost' (singular 'Shields')

-pg. 47: gunlance: 'A Jousters' lance holds' ('A Jouster's lance holds')

-pg. 48: the wall: '+1 Shield' (singular 'Shields');

-benevolence: '[EACH HIT] = Negate DMG' ('Negate 1 DMG')

-pg. 50: invigorate: 'All your G.H.O.U.L.s deal +2 DMG this phase' (presumably includes on death damage, but does it include their self damage as well?)

-pg. 51: gallion core: (the ship class is 'galleon');

-'guns, rockets and canons a-plenty' ('guns, rockets and cannons a-plenty');

-caustic cutlass: 'Raiders Lunge' ('Raider's Lunge')

-pg. 52: Raiders Lunge: 'Raiders Lunge' ('Raider's Lunge');

-fancy footwork: 'IF:' ('IF :')

-pg. 53: steel stallion: '[SUMMON] : Summon Steel Stallion' (Other summon abilities don't redundantly put 'Summon' before the name);

-'Mount or Dismount Steel Stallion as a Free Action' ('Mount or Dismount' are not defined. Presumably the Unit needs to be adjacent, and then enters the stallion's space, and then moves only(?) when the stallion does)

-pg. 55: rescue tech description: 'back bone' ('backbone');

-hyper ladder: 'Create a 3 Space long Ladder' (There's no info on what ladders do. do they need to be on solid ground? can they be moved? can the player remove/destroy them? do they function as cover? it doesn't even say the ladders need to be created adjacent to the mec. can they be placed over difficult/dangerous terrain to make it safe? presumably they can be climbed easily/for no penalty. It would make sense to treat it as a summon similar to trenches, but as there's no space on the strategem page perhaps a section somewhere on interactable objects? Either way, I recommend something like:

'A space occupied by a Ladder is treated as safe, normal terrain which can be freely stood upon or moved through in any direction (Climbing it or similar) as if it were solid ground, no matter what the terrain it occupies is otherwise. It is an object that an Allied Unit can be pick up, place, carry, or reposition as a Free Action. Ladders must be placed adjacent to ground solid enough for a MEC to stand on, or held steady by an Allied MEC (no Action required). If the ground becomes unable to support a Ladder (or a supporting MEC moves) anything Climbing it Falls. A Climbing MEC may Shift or Boost to mirror a moving MEC supporting the Ladder without Falling.'

which is quite wordy, and why I think it could use its own blurb.)

-pg. 56: hailstorm: (<Apply [Freezing]> is before the rest of the strategem. Does it apply before the roll?)

-pg. 58: beam barrier: '+1 Shield' (singular 'Shields');

-shield burst & laz wisps: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 59: trencher description: (tchaikovsky called nocturne again);

-anti air shoulders: 'superioirity' ('superiority');

-hyper cannon: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 60: chaff munitions: '[EAACH HIT]' ('[EACH HIT]');

-onslaught: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 61: fate and preservation: 'atni-freeze' ('anti-freeze')

-pg. 63: super robot helm: 'there was pet projects' ('there were pet projects')

-pg. 64: splatter: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-reflex: 'imeediate' ('immediate' Also, this has the honed element for some reason?)

-pg. 65: seer engine: 'You may Reroll any MEC Roll Once' (Once? Ever?);

-dual core: (Does this actually do anything? Maybe a dead slot for part destruction?);

-thunder hawk: 'Summon: thunder hawk range:side' (all summons appear at range: side, so that text is redundant)

-focus: (Thunder hawk does nothing with Fin/Com)

-pg. 66: do the impossible: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 67: giga glow stick kit: 'there always seem to more' ('there always seem to be more');

-heavy wyrm trap: 'rolls 1 Dice' ('rolls 1 Die' also, do you round the Vit up or down?)

-pg. 68: ripper tools: '+1 Carve Roll' (assuming this refers to the ripping rules in the core book, there's nothing called a carve roll. Also it should read '+1 to a Carve Roll' unless it allows you to roll twice)

-scrapper tools: (similar to ripper tools, except core calls it scrapoing too. Also only scrapper tools specify a boss enemy. Is the '+1 Scrap/Carve Roll' for the actual Scrapping/Ripping check (the one that generates mec scrap/wyrm bits) or is it for improvising during combat? Because I find it odd to specify different bonuses for in/out of combat on checks that take multiple hours to complete);

-expanded cockpit: 'cramped Pilots' seat' ('Pilot's');

-internal kitchen: 'double convex ovens' (you probably mean 'convection' rather than 'convex.' Convex usually means outwardly curved, so a convex oven would be semispherical.);

-medical bay: 'While cramped it allows' ('While cramped, it allows')

-pg. 71: constructing your mechanics shop: 'only print the Infantry MEC' (I assume this refers to the Squire);

-'whole thing from the onset' ('outset' would probably work better. 'Onset' is generally something that happens to you, while an 'outset' is beginning a journey ((such as running a game)));

-making your own mec class: pick 1-3 Elements to focus on: 'some "Elemental Gremlin" use the full' ('Elemental Gremlins');

-consider set-ups: 'if your mec can Charge' (status effects are in square brackets, and should probably be 'can Apply [Charged]')


Hecking wow thanks for such a thorough pass!! I'll take closer look at these whenever I come back to this to work on 0.14 (probably won't be for a while)


Alright I'm (sort of) gearing up to do another editing pass for 0.14 (including some new pages) - If you're interested in bouncing some ideas or taking an early peak at some stuff definitely shoot me an email and we can swap Discords!

Granted there's already a few edits in here that I can tell you that you won't see ((ex: Molded / Molding are both used properly as the Verb tense of "Mold" as in mildew, while using Moldering would be more about it being decrepit))

That said I really appreciate your bit on Flying rules though - I think it could use a diagram for sure! ((Will probably do a whole page on the Z-Axis to really break it down))

And seriously thank you so much for catching all these!! I do most of my work past 2 a.m. after work so it means the world to have someone be able to proof read this without terminal sleepy brain.