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-blind folio pdf pg. 1: alert: 'As such there will' ('As such, there will');

-'filling out All of' ('filling out. All of')

-pg. i: 'the shorthand you'll into within Part readouts' ('you'll run into within');

-'Most MECs will only be revolving around' ('will only revolve around');

-rules reminder: '> [Effects] last' ('> [Effect]s last')

-pg. ii: 3: 'favored Stats. the role' ('favored Stats, the role');

-stat boosts: '(up to the Max)' (you may want reminder text that the stat max is 9);

-reading a basic atk: 'a unit within 2 Range of the ATKer' (should probably say either 'Range 2' or '2 Spaces')

-pg. iii: 4: 'If an area of effect (AOE) range includes Self you may choose whether or not the Ability effects you' (change 'Self' to 'yourself' to fit with page 32 of the core and remove the amibiguity that an AOE range needs to say 'Self' ((another range)) to be able to target yourself. Also 'effects' should be 'affects');

-[Each Double/Triple/Quad]: 'For instance; Five 1s rolled could mean two Doubles, a Triple, and a Quad' (if it means all of them at once, change 'could' to 'would'. If it doesn't then change 'and a Quad' to 'or a Quad.' Plus that semicolon should be a regular colon, and maybe capitalize 'rolled');

-'<Apply [Effect]> applies' and '{If:} conditionals' (these headers are used as part of their descriptions, unlike the previous entries. Not incorrect, but also not a unified style. To change that, 'applies' and 'conditionals' should both be preceeded by '- This' and '- These' respectively);

-the previous two entries: they also apply to the same chart on pg. 32 of the core book, and are noted there;

-7: 'one of three categories that listed here' (change to 'that are')

-pg. iv: back up core: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-heat hatchet: 'just as easy' ('just as easily');

-tracer rifle: 'focus: blaze damage' (it deals acid damage) ((oh I see what happened; heat hatchet's focus is 'basic atk/syn'. they should be transposed))

-pg. v: diving in: 'Add +1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-shields up: 'IF: You or an Ally Will take DMG' ('IF : You or an Ally will take DMG')

-pg. 2: blinding flash/beacon of hope: (it doesn't specify respecting friendly fire, so it will apply [Dazed] to allies, and then remove it, which possibly pings them for 2 direct damage from an Elemental Shuffle, and also activate grounded giving them an additional 2 syn. and you can target yourself with it for the same benefits/damage);

-shield bash: 'PIERCE' (should be 'HONED')

-pg. 3: tracker helm: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-ranger core: 'While, Ranger MECs work well' (remove the comma)

-buckshot wrists: 'HONED shrapnel' (nothing about this part deals honed damage);

- (are gauss carbine's basic and tracker's reflex supposed to deal cryo damage?)

-pg. 5: syphon talisman: 'focus: shift' (no longer does anything with shifting);

-'Sown with' (not necessarily incorrect, but 'sown' refers to planting seeds. If you meant 'put together with' it would be 'sewn'. And the flavor text also mentions the previous iteration's ability)

-pg. 7: rage engine: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-'the many engines of the RAGE engine' (consider something like 'many cylinders of the RAGE engine')

-pg. 9: targetting helm: 'a small cluster of micro-missiles tops off this vital helm' (it comes with no missiles);

-(all the focuses claim fin/com while most of the attacks and strats want fin/dur.);

-Shoulder mortar: (attacks with fin/mob which is not wrong, but strange. and its focus lies about blaze damage)

-pg. 11: universal access staff: (its secondary slot has a price tag of 15k. also, is it supposed to attack with com/mob?)

-pg. 12: shield drones: '+1 Shield to each Target' (You usually use 'Shields' as the stat, so a use of the singular 'Shield' seems out of place);

-rapid armor: '+1 Shields to Targets' (there's only one target, and you don't usually specify because it's assumed that strategems affect their targets. for example, nanite armor doesn't mention targets on its shield granting ability. I assume shield drones does to bring attention to its aoe)

-pg. 13: cyber thighs: (doesn't have an element; is it supposed to be neutral?);

-conductive nanchucks: (unless this is a pun it should be 'nunchucks')

-pg. 14: lightning kicks: 'Roll +1 Dice' ('Roll +1 Die:)

-pg. 15: medical beak: 'the severs housed within' ('the servers housed within');

-(all the focuses claim com/dur while the strats use com/fin);

-(vial bandolier's focus claims to improve syn);

-('ordinance' is used 3 times on the alchemist's two pages (toxic ordinance twice and in the flavor of grenade launcher) but the word you want is 'ordnance' (no i))

-pg. 17: focuses: incorrectly claim they benefit from 'cha' and occasionally 'com';

-harmonizer: 'musician and a maestro, is their' (remove the comma);

-concussive amp: (the flavor text uses 'after' twice in one sentence; the second one could be replaced by 'with')

 -pg. 18: limelight: 'Effected allies' (should be 'affected'. Are those allies supposed to still take damage?)

-pg. 19: Bashee description: (refers to it as the 'Siren');

-(a bit weird its basic atks use a completely different set of stats)

-pg. 22: soothing song: '+1 Shield' (twice) (again, you usually use the stat name 'Shields' so the singular feels out of place)

-pg. 23: celestial description: 'ocassional bust of local grave robbers' (should be 'occasional');

-graceful core: 'In the "City of Faiths" one of a Defender's greatest and most sacred duties in Babel' (should only have either 'in the city of faiths' or 'in babel'. If it's the first, put a comma after 'Faiths')

-pg. 24: rebuke: (has no stats to form a dice pool);

-sacrifice: 'Gain +1 Dice per Shield Expended' ('Gain +1 Die' and singular 'Shield')

-pg. 25: nocturne: (this corp is referred to as 'Tchaikovsky' in the core book)

-pg. 26: re-entry: '<Add +1 Dice per Space you were Flying>' ('<+1 Die per Space you descended>' );

-defender: '+1 Shield' (again, should probably be 'Shields');

-absorption dome: 'IF:' ('IF : ')

-pg. 27: deep sea core: 'those who been displaced' (remove 'who been' so that it just says 'those displaced')

-pg. 29: dragoon description: 'latestest' ('latest');

-rider's plume: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-cryo guandao: 'outlanders say snow fall in summer' ('snowfall');

-'their cryo guando often freezes' ('guandao')

-pg. 30: flash freeze: 'Target has no Effects' ('Target has no [Effect]');

-cutting winds: 'Can Push 3 Space' ('3 Spaces')

-pg. 31: pack leader helm: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-(this could be a standard IF statement. also 'rolls' should be 'Rolls);

-wildshape core: 'edge over tanks and plans' ('planes')

-pg. 32: one shall fall: '[EACH HIT] = +2 DMG' ('[EACH HIT] = 2 DMG')

-pg. 33: duelist description: 'fine honed killing machine' ('finely honed killing machine');

-fencer heels: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die') ((twice));

-buster lance: 'seige weapon' ('siege weapon')

-pg. 35: exorcist description: 'Where often their designs focus on Scrapping the Exorcist is purpose built' ('Scrapping, the Exorcist');

-chilling chains: 'Pull a Units' ('Pull a Unit' or 'Pull Units' depending on if it's an aoe);

-decoy balloons: 'disguise a Scrapper teams smaller numbers' ('disguise a Scrapper team's smaller numbers');

-geist rifle: (strange that it uses dur/com basic atk when the rest assumes dur/atu)

-pg. 36: accelerate: '{ IF:' ('{ IF :') ((twice))

-pg. 37: hawk sensors: '[PASSIVE] : [Strategems] and [Basic ATK]s gain: +1 Dice IF you are Flying before the Roll' (rather than being in the middle this passive's IF statement should follow the standard formatting '[PASSIVE] : IF : You are [Flying] before the Roll [Strategems] and [Basic ATK]s gain: +1 Die');

-'scanning the battlefield for all every possible point of attack' (remove 'all');

-flight core: 'at a moments notice' ('at a moment's notice');

-tempered talons: 'implanted enemies' (I think you mean 'entrenched enemies');

-heat smg: 'While expensive the rounds are' ('While expensive, the rounds are')

-pg. 38: sinking talons: '<Add +1 Dice per Space you were Flying>' ('<+1 Die per Space you descended>')

-pg. 39: tournament core: 'to start to give' (remove 'to start')

-pg. 40: impact: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-fighting spirit: '+1 Shield' ('Shields')

-pg. 41: gaccha core: (doesn't raise the soak cap so the +5 soak version only gives up to +4. Also, I generally see it spelled 'Gacha');

-chaos cube: 'is the results of' ('is the result of')

-pg. 42: gambler's palm: '{ IF : You are at 12 SYN when Rolling }' (Does this trigger if you have more than 12, or only exactly 12?);

- 'manipulate the results of 3 of your Dice Rolls to be your desired roll' (do you decide before or after the dice are rolled?) (and for clarity it should say '3 of your Rolled Dice')

-pg. 43: seismic soles: 'it makes for fertile soil for terraforming' (remove the first 'for');

-slinger palms: 'euqally' ('equally')

-pg. 44: hell & heaven: 'per Shield lost' (singular 'Shields')

-pg. 47: gunlance: 'A Jousters' lance holds' ('A Jouster's lance holds')

-pg. 48: the wall: '+1 Shield' (singular 'Shields');

-benevolence: '[EACH HIT] = Negate DMG' ('Negate 1 DMG')

-pg. 50: invigorate: 'All your G.H.O.U.L.s deal +2 DMG this phase' (presumably includes on death damage, but does it include their self damage as well?)

-pg. 51: gallion core: (the ship class is 'galleon');

-'guns, rockets and canons a-plenty' ('guns, rockets and cannons a-plenty');

-caustic cutlass: 'Raiders Lunge' ('Raider's Lunge')

-pg. 52: Raiders Lunge: 'Raiders Lunge' ('Raider's Lunge');

-fancy footwork: 'IF:' ('IF :')

-pg. 53: steel stallion: '[SUMMON] : Summon Steel Stallion' (Other summon abilities don't redundantly put 'Summon' before the name);

-'Mount or Dismount Steel Stallion as a Free Action' ('Mount or Dismount' are not defined. Presumably the Unit needs to be adjacent, and then enters the stallion's space, and then moves only(?) when the stallion does)

-pg. 55: rescue tech description: 'back bone' ('backbone');

-hyper ladder: 'Create a 3 Space long Ladder' (There's no info on what ladders do. do they need to be on solid ground? can they be moved? can the player remove/destroy them? do they function as cover? it doesn't even say the ladders need to be created adjacent to the mec. can they be placed over difficult/dangerous terrain to make it safe? presumably they can be climbed easily/for no penalty. It would make sense to treat it as a summon similar to trenches, but as there's no space on the strategem page perhaps a section somewhere on interactable objects? Either way, I recommend something like:

'A space occupied by a Ladder is treated as safe, normal terrain which can be freely stood upon or moved through in any direction (Climbing it or similar) as if it were solid ground, no matter what the terrain it occupies is otherwise. It is an object that an Allied Unit can be pick up, place, carry, or reposition as a Free Action. Ladders must be placed adjacent to ground solid enough for a MEC to stand on, or held steady by an Allied MEC (no Action required). If the ground becomes unable to support a Ladder (or a supporting MEC moves) anything Climbing it Falls. A Climbing MEC may Shift or Boost to mirror a moving MEC supporting the Ladder without Falling.'

which is quite wordy, and why I think it could use its own blurb.)

-pg. 56: hailstorm: (<Apply [Freezing]> is before the rest of the strategem. Does it apply before the roll?)

-pg. 58: beam barrier: '+1 Shield' (singular 'Shields');

-shield burst & laz wisps: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 59: trencher description: (tchaikovsky called nocturne again);

-anti air shoulders: 'superioirity' ('superiority');

-hyper cannon: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 60: chaff munitions: '[EAACH HIT]' ('[EACH HIT]');

-onslaught: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 61: fate and preservation: 'atni-freeze' ('anti-freeze')

-pg. 63: super robot helm: 'there was pet projects' ('there were pet projects')

-pg. 64: splatter: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die');

-reflex: 'imeediate' ('immediate' Also, this has the honed element for some reason?)

-pg. 65: seer engine: 'You may Reroll any MEC Roll Once' (Once? Ever?);

-dual core: (Does this actually do anything? Maybe a dead slot for part destruction?);

-thunder hawk: 'Summon: thunder hawk range:side' (all summons appear at range: side, so that text is redundant)

-focus: (Thunder hawk does nothing with Fin/Com)

-pg. 66: do the impossible: '+1 Dice' ('+1 Die')

-pg. 67: giga glow stick kit: 'there always seem to more' ('there always seem to be more');

-heavy wyrm trap: 'rolls 1 Dice' ('rolls 1 Die' also, do you round the Vit up or down?)

-pg. 68: ripper tools: '+1 Carve Roll' (assuming this refers to the ripping rules in the core book, there's nothing called a carve roll. Also it should read '+1 to a Carve Roll' unless it allows you to roll twice)

-scrapper tools: (similar to ripper tools, except core calls it scrapoing too. Also only scrapper tools specify a boss enemy. Is the '+1 Scrap/Carve Roll' for the actual Scrapping/Ripping check (the one that generates mec scrap/wyrm bits) or is it for improvising during combat? Because I find it odd to specify different bonuses for in/out of combat on checks that take multiple hours to complete);

-expanded cockpit: 'cramped Pilots' seat' ('Pilot's');

-internal kitchen: 'double convex ovens' (you probably mean 'convection' rather than 'convex.' Convex usually means outwardly curved, so a convex oven would be semispherical.);

-medical bay: 'While cramped it allows' ('While cramped, it allows')

-pg. 71: constructing your mechanics shop: 'only print the Infantry MEC' (I assume this refers to the Squire);

-'whole thing from the onset' ('outset' would probably work better. 'Onset' is generally something that happens to you, while an 'outset' is beginning a journey ((such as running a game)));

-making your own mec class: pick 1-3 Elements to focus on: 'some "Elemental Gremlin" use the full' ('Elemental Gremlins');

-consider set-ups: 'if your mec can Charge' (status effects are in square brackets, and should probably be 'can Apply [Charged]')