so i tried to play the game in the browser and it seemed the controls did't work, so i downloaded the source to run love on it and spitted out this error:
$ love
Error: bad argument #1 to '?' (ImageData expected, got Image)
stack traceback:
[string "boot.lua"]:637: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:633>
[C]: at 0x5209ba30
[C]: in function 'newImageFont'
main.lua:35: in function 'load'
[string "boot.lua"]:488: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:487>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "boot.lua"]:650: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:639>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
a bug? i don't know, but the game won't play.
also great idea! i would love (no pun intended) to play this game!