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(2 edits) (+1)

i think that i am not suppose to have 99 mystical flames or it is just that there was more than that.(Also i don't remember collecting duplicate of mystical flame)

I also stated a new game+ game and the game game me the squirrel purple chest item at the place of the necklace and also i would like to play the game that inspire this one.

(3 edits)

Its very possible that I may just have miscounted or forgotten to count some.
Today's update, updated the counter to 92 since I forgot to count one on the western plains but that still would leave 7 more than I counted.
You can can check each area with the scan ability, if you have more flames in that area than there should be.

Also one thing I don't know/tested is, if flames and chest respawn then changing to a new version, if taht is the case it certainly could explain taht but sicne you mentioned no duplicates I guess I just forgot to count some.

(1 edit)

It gave you the squirrel item at the place of the necklace? Sorry don't know what you mean by that.
If you mean you bought the perk for tf equipment, its supposed to give you all tf eqiupment even the ones you haven't gotten before.

If you talking about the game mentioned in the developer notes, it's more of a prequel since it uses the same universe but is vastly diffrent from this one in gameplay story and pretty much everything else.


i didn't buy the perk that gave every tf item i had buy all the perk that let me keep all the money and item that i have and i also get the one that gave a necklace that give more exp and job point when equip and also i would like to play the other game for fun

And you still had the Squrriel Necklace is what you mean?
Also if you go to a save point the missing necklace will get added in the next version, should be up soon!


yes i still have it and it was not suppose to be there

(1 edit)

That is strange, I will look into that as well.
Anything else taht also stayed in your inventory that shouldn't?


no it was the only thing that had stay

Okay tahts good to know, NG+ still isn't tested taht much.
Golden Acorns also seems to stay so taht will be fixed in teh future as well.

New version out now (1.1.1).
I tested the new version and the necklaces now get added when buying them.
The missing one for you should be added after interacting withasave point, tell me if it worked.

(1 edit) (+1)

i recreate i save to see what would stay i the inventory and if nothing is active only the sanity herb will stay and if you activate many of the thing (the only thing not activate were key item and tf item) the squirrel item would stay and also and two perk that give the necklace will not give it but except that i also see the golden acorns but i see it normal that they are here because i say that i wanted to keep my item

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Yeah the golden acorn i noticed too. Good to know with the Sanity Herb, will fix that in teh future as well, thanks for testing!

Yeah the special booster items all didn't work before but they should be now in the new version, tell me if tehy do!

(1 edit)

I actually forgot to implement the Skill And Exp booting accecories in the ng+ shop.
This will be fixed now.
New version will be up soon!
Sorry vor the inconinience!