Things still feel very janky. Keyboard controls are also completely broken, I'm not sure if it was like that last submission, but I couldn't get anything to happen with a keyboard.
I think at this point there are way too many different systems implemented. Last time I commented that it was interesting how the game had all kinds of different features and mechanics, but I feel I need to backtrack that. You should probably give the features you've already implemented more attention rather than adding anything new.
As usual there are bugs, just one I found in my short playthrough was: If you crouch right in front of the cube face and jump nothing will happen, but if you sleep right in front of the cube face then jump your character will constantly be pushed backwards.
Finally, since people keep mentioning Maplestory, maybe try out Maplestory DS for inspiration? It's a singleplayer Maplestory game, which is what I assume you are going for.