-Why does itch say "WARNING: This Page Has Been Quarantined" when I try downloading the game, anon?
-Had to play with a gamepad because keyboard controls are nonsensical
-Movement is stick-only, isn't doubled via D-pad. Why?
-Where is the main menu once you load in? Doesn't look like it exists...
-Make interactive tutorial instead of this text dump
-Pressing "Up" on the controller to exit out of a vending machine menu isn't intuitive, most people are use to be able to either:
1. Press "B"/"O" on a gamepad since it's usually "cancel"
2. Be able to walk away and cancel the interaction
-Why are you including gamepad support in a game that has typing capability?
-Why did you even include typing? What is this, Leisure Suit Larry? An adventure game like Broken Sword?
-If you're using a gamepad you can't exit the chat box without using your mouse. Anon, please
-The first challenge in the game is actually trying to jump over an NPC. Why do NPCs have collision?
-Can only respec at a designated respec spot - once you invest in a stat after leveling, it auto applies and you can't revert it to assign elsewhere
-Constantly respawning enemies are a massive hassle - especially when all it takes it wasting a few minutes offscreen
-Vine enemies can damage you from offscreen on account of having huge attack range
-The issue is even worse for bigger version of said enemies
-Using your special attack doesn't make you invincible
-Enemies just keep spawning endlessly, I've got to a point where there are like 5-7 rock enemies right after the cliff with an assortment of skeletons and other weird stuff. Don't you cull them or something, at least when the new day arrives?
-Why is there inventory screen if there is no equipment to put on your character?
-Imagine, IMAGINE making a character who has their basic jump tied to a mana bar. Anon, why did you think that was a good idea?
-What the FUCK is going on with the engineer? Free level up on a slime skill? Better jump than ninja? Better skills than ninja as well? Did you at least try to check how Engineer plays, because these are like characters from two different games
-Somehow lost the rabbit bot tower, never to get it back again
-Somehow turned my one wrench attack when the rabbit bot out into a million attacks as long as you hold X, so you deal a couple hundreds on every frame
-What is even the goal of this demo? It feels like a bunch of ideas haphazardly stitched together. "Wander around and kill things", sheesh.
-Character designs looks like it's straight from some 2007 emo girl facebook/myspace page
-Why is the default view so zoomed in?
-"Chat box" is cut off at the top and disappears way too fast, there is also no option to scroll the text on a gamepad, only with mouse
-The clash between character/object sprites and tilesets is absolutely jarring
-The art itself is pretty high quality, but something about artist's direction makes me feel weird. It's like I'm playing Mabinogi or some other korean game
-I'm not sure you understand how ninjas are supposed to look like and instead made an upright porcupine
-Stats menu is so god damn small
-Attack SFX have background noise, why didn't you clean them up?
-Poison sound is absolutely horrible
-Don't use meme SFX as placeholder, at this point better have no placeholder at all
-What's with the random phone ringing sound?
-Jar breaking sound is LOUD
I'm sorry anon, I don't say it often, but this is the first game that made me feel actual, physical cringe. I don't know if it's a passion project or you've been making this game over the course of like a decade. The art looks good but main character designs and those meme SFX are just horrid. During the entire time I tried to figure out what were you trying to make and so far it looks like terraria without any building.
Difficulty is all over the place. Enemies keep spawning the moment you leave the screen like it's ninja gaiden. Special attack on a ninja does less damage than a regular one. Controls are just 2-3 walls of text on a black screen with some general hints (and you can't revisit those again), the chatbox system is unnecessary and there are bugs all over the place.
Make an interactive tutorial, play your game without debug tools on and use Ninja for that. Then please try to figure out what could be the case with the game, and find someone who could guide your artistic talent in a more consistent type of way, because right now it's all over the place.
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