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The music getting a little muffled as you go into the cave is a nice touch. The art's wonderful too! I love the texturing on Akyuu's dress in particular.

My biggest criticisms are that the collision and jumping could be tighter, and that Akyuu and the camera moves just a biiiiiiit too fast. Sometimes in the caves I would slide off platforms after moving just an inch.

I really like how items work in this game. Some items changing, like the seed, or marking a pitfall when you die is clever. The frequent checkpoints make it so that dying doesn't feel as frustrating as it could have felt, but the item interactions still give it a purpose.

I can see someone having a lot of fun trying to shave down their number of deaths to the necessary minimum. Me on the other hand, I fell almost 100 times! :P

Good work, thank you for the game! :D

Glad the items made you feel exactly what we aimed for: Feeling like death is not a bad thing but a resource to advance in the game! Thanks for the honest review!