Had this game on radar for quite some time, streaming is still OP AF though at certain point I'll just get an error like this:
Error: <<for>> exceeded configured maximum loop iterations (1000)
For which I'm assuming is because the people that watch the stream would exceed 1000 people. The game still runs fine, and still goes through with giving you money AND also showing how many people watched the stream, but it will always without fail give me the 1000 people error.
However, it also seems like the money gained from streaming doesn't increase with how many people have watched.
Example: 999 people would give about 4300$, 1443 people would also give about 4300$, same with 1790 people and 2070 people, all of those would give around 4300$.
And last thing, it feels like some of the images are missing? Not too sure on that one though...