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I wandered around picking up sticks, chased a rabbit, and found a bear. The bear was the exact same speed as me, so I ran around for like 5 minutes, with a bear and a swarm of skeletons following me. Eventually I crossed a flowing stream and most of the enemies, especially the bear, got washed away. With only a small patrol of skeletons following me, I ran through the forest, searching for thin gaps where the hoard of skeletons would have to become single file, so I could combat each in 1v1 combat.

Suggestion: tweak tree spawning artificially to have more walls of trees with 1 wide gaps

They all dropped bones, and one of the bones I couldn't pick up.

Then I clicked around on the menus looking to see if I could craft any of my sticks into equipment. I couldn't find any crafting menu, but I did find what looked like a spell menu.

I went to try my new found skill on a skeleton, but pressing 1 or clicking on the fire icon didn't seem to change my attack from just being the normal punch. I later learned that to use a spell, you click on the spell or press 1, and then click where you want to fire. If it isn't in a cardinal direction, my character attempts to path find and line up a shot.

Suggesion: when you click on a spell, your cursor goes into "spell mode", so the when you hover over a hexagon, instead of just being the normal white walk symbol, its a new shape and is either red or green depending on being in a spell range. Attempting to fire a spell will never make your player walk. Make the fireball much bigger and easier to see. Like maybe a meter in diameter.

I tried to light a tree on fire. It didn't do anything.

I noticed that my health and mana bars increased as I walked around.

When killing some skeletons, my entire screen was taken over by a skill tree. I wanted to see what some of the skills were, so I clicked on one. It said +1. I tried clicking again. The +1 remained. I clicked on some other skills, and then clicked around until the menu closed.

Suggestion: See path of exile skill tree. You can open/close the skill tree at any time, only getting a simple notification when you level up. You can hover over skills to see what they are, and there is a big "confirm" button before actually semi-perminently committing points.

I tried rearranging the items in my backpack. Clicking around didn't do anything.

When I walked arounds afterwards, I think a campfire appeared. I guess thats all I can do with sticks. Bones don't do anything.

I found 2 helmets. They both were tin helmets, so I didn't have a use for the second one. I couldn't drop either back onto the ground.

Suggestion: when hovering over an item, its tooltip appears near the mouse, not at a fixed location on the right side of the screen.

I found another helmet. It might have had higher stats, but I didn't want to risk losing another inventory slot, so I didn't pick it up.

I found a rabbit, but I didn't have much mana. I got the rabbit down to one health, but it regenerated its health back to full before I could regenerate mana and line up another shot. Eventually I killed the rabbit and got some meat. I tried to cook the meat in a campfire, but it didn't seem to work. I did notice that I couldn't walk through campfires. This seems useful, since I can build strategic walls in combat.

I found a sword. When trying to swing it, I clicked on it in the 3x3 equipment menu. I unequiped it. I requiped the sword and then tried unequiping the helmet. It stacked with the helmet that had been stuck in my inventory. I tried equiping the double helmet. One of the helmets disappeared, and I was wearing one helmet.

A raging bear appeared. Perhaps it was the bear I had seen before, chasing me down all this time. I tried stalling it with campfires, but since it takes 2 turns to build a campfire, I realized this was useless.

With my sword, helmet, and magic fireballs, I hoped I would win. My mana drained rapidly. In melee combat, both my and the bears health bars rapidly drained. The entire skreen turned blue. I thought I had died.

No, it was the skill tree! With my next 3 points, I bought what looked like a picaxe and a berry bush. I went out to look for some berry bushes or picaxes or rocks or something.

I found a green lantern. All I could do with it was turn it into a campfire with a stick.

I found an ocean. There were some static blue and pink dots on one hex in the water. All I could do was turn it into a partially submurged campfire.

I found another sword stuck up in a tree. I stood near it and found it in my inventory. I used the unequip-equip trick to delete the redundant object.

It is nice to be able to hold down mouse 1 to continue walking. I've been doing it for most of the entire game. While walking, I wanted to switch from spells to inventory. Unfortunatly, the Z and I buttons seemed to not work sometimes while walking continuously. Is opening my inventory a turn?

I killed a few more skeletons and finished out the skill tree. I think there's a bug where the XP bar only updates when you pick up bones or something? After selecting points in the skill tree, my XP bar was at like 90%. Then I picked up a bone, and it went to 0%.

With the fish skill unlocked, I went to look for an ocean.

Bug: when swimming on the surface of the water, the mouse cursor selects the earth beneath the water, not the surface of the water

Couldn't figure out how to use my fish skill.

I don't know what the blue book stat is.

I found some sticks that were floating like 20 hex-widths in the air

I tried to find the mountain again and gave up.

Thank you for the feedback. 

I like the idea that in order to escape from enemies you need to do something risky (Go into a river, Jump down a cave, though that's not really fleshed out in this version) or maybe invest into some kind of escape ability.

Currently there is no crafting, or gathering skills such as fishing, foraging, or mining, but I intend to add these.

I agree that walking forward when trying to cast an offensive spell is stupid and annoying. I intend to change that.

I think it's ok when constructing things (like the campfire, or maybe building walls in the future) out of combat.

Skill Tree definitely needs some work.

The blue book stat is intelligence. The fire blast ability's damage scales off it, and next version it will increase your max mana.

it did take me like 3 flowing stream attempts to shake the bear