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Sorry for bumping this, but I had my own question that I think fits here. I just want to double check, do Risk Dice generate SYN? There's a chart on the character sheet that suggests yes, but I don't actually see this explicitly clarified in writing anywhere. Might be a good thing to add?
Anyways, I'm enjoying reading the book so far, easily worth the price, optional or not. I'm hoping to give the system a test run with my group soon. Looking forward to the finished game!

This would be a great thing to clarify! The answer is actually no - Only Skill Dice the players roll to deal DMG will ever generate SYN. Thank you for saying something! I'll definitely add a clarification into 0.14!

Thank you, good to know! Plus now I have an idea for a cool passive if I ever create a homebrew MEC Class! Something like... Daredevil Core: [[Passive]] : Risk Dice generate SYN. (Feel free to use that if you want.)

Actually one other thing, if the Dual Core takes up 1 Core slot and 1 Fabled slot, and in return, you gain 1 Core slot and 1 Fabled Slot... isn't that a net zero? You're not actually gaining anything from the Dual Core itself... Unless I'm misreading that. There might be a benefit if it can act as a dummy Core for the purposes of a Core Break... but I don't know what happens when you roll a Core Break with two Cores. Might be good to have a rule for if/how redundant/bonus parts break, since the Asura Core also gives bonus slots.

Didn't mean to find another thing to nitpick, just kinda stumbled onto that by accident. Sorry!

It is absolutely a net zero! (and yeah I give players the mercy of that part breaking instead of the actual core) - This (ostensibly gag part) is one of a handful of Fabled parts that are based off the three campaigns I ran ((I'm planning on breaking them out into their own category eventually)) the dual core in particular was built as a result of a hilariously failed operation by a PC trying to make their own Fabled part with an inept science crew. He'd joked about wanting to make a dual core to scam people earlier in the campaign and so his vision was later realized ((an immortalized in print))

Oh, that’s great actually, love that! Learning that that was intentional gives the moment of confusion a good payoff. I’m thinking about writing a scene where someone tries to sell this to my players. See if anyone takes the bait. Thanks for the response!

It'd also be appreciated if you clarified with Risk Dice counted towards the various ways a Strategem might count dice, such as 2 of a kind, Odds, etc. I assume the answer is no but I didn't find the text that clarified that.

You assume correctly! I'll add it to the ever growing list of patch notes