Sorry for the delay, I saw your post and started writing and I was almost done then left it and shut down my computer.
The next day I realised I lost it all and was too busy to type it out again.
Anyhow that's ok Unity will be more than enough to do the job.
I thought you would like 80's Overdrive, Yes Max Downforce runs really smooth and has 100% the pixel look.
I have some inspirational music for you to listen to play the game and listen to the tracks.
I have set up a Dropbox send me an email and I will send you the link, so you can download and listen to them.
Yes, the sprite sheet per track sounds great this way we can ensure to apply a consistent look and again keep everything modular.
I think we should start setting goals on things to do, and meet up in 4 weeks.
For yourself, I would suggest
- Create the track editor, this enables us both to design them
- Work on the branching tracks
- Implement the large checkpoint banners for every checkpoint
- Add the large Goal banner with the crowd in the background
I will look at the following
- Develop UI wireframe
- Find more suitable fonts
- Create consistent menus
- Create in-game elements gauges, score, etc
- Obtain low poly 3D vehicles, I think we may be able to apply a pixel look or voxels.
I have also created a spreadsheet where I placed all the tasks, we can give the cell a green fill when complete.
This is in the Dropbox.
This should be enough for us to work on over the next 4 weeks, let me know what you think.
We can make it at the beginning or end of the month to make it a regular thing.
You do not have to have it complete but you are working on those things.
Best regards.