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A member registered Feb 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! That's awesome to hear.

Maybe one day I might ask someone to redraw everything and put some royalty-free music in it.

I'm glad you like it!

It seems like a single axis is assigned to multiple actions. In the calibration menu, do you see the wheel bar moving when you press the brake or clutch?

Does the wheel have force feedback in-game? If not, the game might not recognise your wheel as a ffb-wheel.

You can try rebinding the axes. When rebinding the steering axis, instead of turning right, try turning left and check if the axis name changes in the menu.

For the pedals, instead of pressing them during the rebinding process, try this: press the pedal first, then press rebind, and finally release the pedal.

In the calibration menu, each axis bar should move independently and should not interfere. Let me know if this helps!

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Weird. 🤣

Did it work before?

Can you get the logfile and copy/paste its content here? You can find it at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow if I'm correct.

True. That's because of the way they get spawned. They get spawned with the idea of racing against 1 opponent. When the oppnent is in front, the police gets spawned in front of the opponent, so the police will see the leader first and start chasing the leader, not the player by default.

But with 29 opponents, they still get spawned i front of the leader. That's why you only started to see them when you were at the front.

I'm about to change that.

I'm glad you like it!

No problem! I just wanted to make sure that I understand you. 😉 I will add an attract mode eventually!

Do you mean an attract mode? Where the car drives by itself?

No, you don't need a clutch. 😉 The clutch is automatically operated. However, sometimes it gets stuck after crashing. It doesn't happen to me anymore, but maybe it does on your system.

Do you play the downloadable version, or the web version?

Does it usually happen after a few crashes?

Does the car stil rev, but without accelerating?

The gear gets stuck if I'm correct? Or does it still go up and down?

Try turning on the pedal bars anyway. If the blue bar is full, the clutch is stuck in the open position.

I'm glad you like it!

(1 edit)

When it suddenly doesn't work, does it happen mid-race? Does the car still move/accelerate? Does the shift indicator that tells you in which gear you are in change when you press the buttons? Or does it say N? You could turn on the pedal bars in the UI option screen. If the left blue bar is full, it's the clutch that's stuck, which shouldn't. The more info, the better!

I have no clue. The problem is that I can't test the Mac version because I don't have any Mac devices. Can you make a screenshot of it? I believe there is an error log file somewhere. Not sure where it should be though.

That's weird. I suggest you remove the game, download it again and start over. :/ If you lost your progress and want your unlocked vehicles back: type in gimmeall. (It's a cheat code.)

I'm glad you like it!

Oh really? Nice!

Press up and down in the car select screen. You can already change the color. 😉 At least in the downloadable version.

Do you experience the same hiccups if you run the previous version? The game is pretty code-heavy, especially with 29 opponents and 15 traffic cars.

Hah, in the next update opponents will recover faster after they hit another car, so they won't crash into roadside objects that often. Aaand I'm probably going to revert it for easy and intermediate settings because it makes the game much harder.

Not sure how I'm going to get more fps out of the game. Graphics-wise it's not that heavy, but code-wise there is a lot of stuff going on. I'll experiment with some stuff and I'll see what I can do.

Good luck with the motorcycle!

In which mode would you like to see the ghost? Or would you suggest an extra game mode, like a time attack? With or without traffic?

Yes, you will have to race the F1 car... with the motorcycle. 😁 It's doable though. At least for me. In the current build I believe the F1 car crashes quite often because of the big speed difference between the F1 car and traffic. 

Hah, this saves me a lot of work! I can't use the sprites directly, but I can use this as a reference when I want to set the coordinates for the driver and passenger. (Still a lot of work though.)


Ripping them is the easy part; positioning them in the car is the hard part. They're a separate sprite sheet with their own animation: the hair flowing in the wind. So I can't just stick them in the car—they have to be placed in via code. I believe I've already done most of the heavy lifting for the Redhead, so I might try tilting the car up and down.

For the DX40, there are separate sprites again because of that damned spoiler in the way.

Yes, I know. The car animation itself shouldn't be too difficult. I've even experimented with it in the past, although I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to implement it. Should it stay in the upward position as long as you're going uphill, or should it only stay upward while the road is curving upward? Those are the questions I'm grappling with.

However, animating the occupants in the car is a real pain in the ass. xD

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Fixed it! I was able to get to 1st place in the 3rd race on intermediate. I changed 1 thing last-minute though, so I hope I didn't make it too difficult again. xD

That's probably because of the car. The opponents are not downgraded enough when you choose a slower car. 😅 The DX40 should be more suitable at this moment.

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Hello, I'm glad you like it!

I'll make a Linux build, but I probably have to remove the steering wheel plugin, because it works with Direct Input and it doesn't compile when I choose Mac, Linux, or web version. And removing the plugin with all the code connected to it is quite a chore.

So I won't update the Linux version as much as the Windows version.

I've made the opponents easier by the way. ;-)

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Yes and no. They follow the same rules as you do: overheat the engine and the turbo won't be available. But those bastards immediately start with an L3 radiator.

However, I've found the problem. It's something that I changed a while ago. I reverted it and now they only use the turbo on long straights.

I've also rebalanced the ai difficulty. Easy and intermediate are now easier.

I'm afraid not. But you want to change the refresh rate? I believe changing the resolution merely changes the look of the game, not the actual resolution of the screen. So my best bet is to change it in your system settings for the moment.
I'll add an option in the future to actually change the resolution on a system level.

Are you using Windows? Or Mac?

Oh, I get it. It looks like the rival is using the turbo more often. Usually, when easy or intermediate is chosen, the rival only activates the turbo on the long straights after passing a checkpoint. Now they’re also using it just before the end of a corner. Not sure why. That's something I’ll look into tomorrow.

I’m also experimenting with a new type of rubberbanding. I already had a rubberband mechanic that adjusts the rival’s max speed through corners: the farther ahead they are, the slower they go through corners, and vice versa. Now, I’ve added a rubberband that adjusts throttle. The farther ahead the rival is, the less throttle they use. When set to zero, they won’t get much more than 200 meters ahead of you.

Once I fix the turbo usage, I’ll upload the new version.

What do you think has become more difficult? I've done some stuff in the ai's algoritm to make his inputs more smooth, but i feel like he's going slower now, especially when he is behind.

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By the way: I've just uploaded a b-version. It fixes some bugs here and there. For instance: with a controller you quickly had to release the a-button when you went to the upgrade screen in Turbo OutRun mode, or you accidentally chose the engine upgrade. Oh and that's when the mechanics walked backwards.

That's weird. And to what resolution do you want to set it?

I've just tried it on my system and it seems to work. Not sure why it doesn't work on yours.

Eventually I'm going to expand the low res mode where you can also choose a resolution. That way the UI stays sharp while the road and stuff becomes pixelated.

Thanks! Yeah, the horn will be actually functional. Not only for challenging other cars in Cruisin' mode, but also for something else:
I've programmed the AI cars, especially traffic cars to not swerve into your lane when they want to overtake someone. It's something that I don't like about other games, where they intentionally seem to do that. But my system isn't watertight. That's where the horn will come in handy. When they swerve into your lane, blast the horn and they should go back where they came from. At least that's the idea. :D Now I have to program it... And add the sound effect.

Well, I've added a name entry menu at the beginning of the game. Insert gimmeall and you've unlocked all vehicles. (And then insert your name ofcourse.)

Have you pressed enter after switching? Yes, it's not very clear at this moment. Let me know if it works!

What makes it too hard? The corners, the time limit, the opponent, ...? Perhaps I can tweak some stuff to make it a bit easier.

And I'll think about adding a cheat code. 😉

I'm afraid not (yet). It the game too hard?

Yes! You have to unlock it. Win the original mode and you can drive it. 😉

Awesome! I'd like to buy the physical magazine with standard cover, but I live in Belgium. How much would it cost to send it to me?

Hah, I was already thinking about that. So now you can choose between 10 tracks, but I'm going to add an 11th one that is 100% random and therefore never the same.