-From every screenshot of this game I thought it was a Rimworld like, but no it's a survival action game.
-Tween animations are cute. Interaction using the IJKL feels better than I thought it would. The interactions with objects like the ball and axe are fun and feel intuitive with a little poking. Main exception is the water cup, which you have to press the reload key to figure out it heals you. And you only know that if you happen to be damaged at the time, I can see people missing that for a long time.
-Blocks in shadow become fully shaded or fully lit in a unsatisfying way, when turning around its corner. Most obvious when walking circles around the blocks by the fire under the building. There are other things but you get it. Not a deal breaker of course.
-Picking up and moving the wood walls is pretty fun, I like how you can throw it instead of just placing it. I find it a bit odd that I can't destroy the walls, I would assume the axe would do the trick but it doesn't.
-Sprint is a bit weird feeling, because it's suppose to slow down when you turn around while sprinting, but if you instead make a right/left turn then immediately go the full 180 there's no slow down, so it can be inconsistent
-Also pulling the covers up for the bed is really cute.
Looks like good progress.