So, tested the game, it is interesting.
but there are some bugs here and there, for example some enemies (orc warrior tank and orc boss) can try to cast an attack but never do it, resulting in a soft lock that requires me to restart the battle or quit it in order to fix it.
Another thing that i noticed is that the characters level up system seems to restart / forget, like i can use tons of books to level up my characters (get them to lvl 10 or 12, but when i leave the game and reopen it or when i go to a battle and return to the guild, my character that was level 12, goes back to level 2 or such.
Same happens when i try to put them equipment, when i try to raise their ranks it seems like i can only do that with 4 characters, the game wont let me rank up more than 4 heroes. sometimes the game also forgets about the rank my characters were and sends them back to rank 1 again.
Another thing is to get to get gold or materials... it's quite slow, i had to hack some of the game files to be able to get items and the unique gems that you need to buy materials or to do the gacha thing... if i did it legit i could spend hours upon hours of farming... doing the same quest over and over to get anything done.
Wich brings me to the final issue with the game... the gacha... i know that to get a 5 star item or character it is suppossed to be "uncommon" but... dude, i have modded well over 500,000 unique crystals on my game, and i have only managed to get 13 of i dont know how many characters in the game, the chances of getting "all the character cards" in a legit manner is insanelly low and difficult, there were instances that i got a new 4 star character after having spent over 80,000 unique crystals, i can't imagine how low the chances of a 5 star character are, so please, make it more easy to get a 5 star character drop, or easy to get characters that you don't have yet, or make it easier to get crystals, because it is impossible to get all the characters in a "legit" way with the current state of the game.
Other than that, i like the concept of the game, wish there was more interactions with the characters or that you could roam freely on the guild, but so far i like what im seeing.
will keep an eye out for future updates.