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A member registered Mar 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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There will be new missions in the next update. I've been working very, very slowly due to hardware issues with my PC, but soon I'll have my new computer and will be able to work at full capacity again.

Thank you so much for supporting this project! I hope you're able to upgrade your PC soon. I can assure you that the project will always remain active!

Thank you for your comment!! There will be more news soon.

Thank you so much for your support.

There are currently no plans to make an Android version. I want to finish the entire project first and then see... as Jack the Ripper said, let's go by parts.

LOL! I apologize for the delayed response! Indeed, that was the experience I intended to convey with this gacha. I believe you had exceptionally bad luck. Even though the probability is low, you should have at least pulled one XD.

Thank you very much for your report! I have been testing various things in combat that have not been adjusted yet. This will be my last free week, so I will release one final patch. I believe I mentioned in other messages the roadmap for 2024, where I will address and modify combat from scratch. My intention is to create an exciting turn-based combat system, emphasizing the "tactical" factor, and also tweaking animations and special effects.

I greatly appreciate your help and that of everyone who contributed to the game. I truly value your support and hope to meet all expectations next year. Thank you very much, everyone!

That's right! The new save system is not compatible with the previous progress. My suggestion is to enter the game, even if it appears that way, and go to Settings >> Data Settings >> Erase Progress, to ensure that you start the game with fresh and new data.

Alternatively, you can: run execute (win + R), type %appdata%..\LocalLow  look for the NightGames folder, and delete it. This will completely reset the game without any errors.

Hahaha, checking that in Unity, I just noticed the error. A patch will be released soon to fix it!

No, I don't miss any! I bought all the packs. I don't think JoNi will release new material anymore. I hope that 2024 will be the year for new content :D

(1 edit)

Guild Girl and Shop Keeper are missing.(i read its intentional)
*That's correct; I intend to introduce additional characters. I have even contemplated the possibility of conducting a survey for players to vote on a specific NPC character. Haha, although I'm not very proficient with social media.

Fujimoto Hagino + Muzaka Ako, dont change outfits in battle.
Short Sword + Royal Sword, are missing from Permanant Item Gatcha,
Short Sword is buyable from shop, but no way of getting Royal Sword.
*Thank you very much for taking the time to inform me about these errors; I'll fix them as soon as possible.

Nakada Yoko is the only 3 star with Summer Swimwear, hope the others get it soon ;)
*Actually, no, there are a few more that also have swimsuits.
*I'm sorry!!! I didn't read it properly, hahaha. Yes, it's true. Out of all three stars, she is the only one who has the summer outfit, for now.

If you do Special Action in View, then exit out while Outfit is moved, Outfit will stay stuck like that till you go on a mission, or watch special animation again. (not going to complain lol) 
*I hadn't noticed that; I'll give it a try!

also... is the 2nd interaction.. not sure what this does, the first and the final ones work.
*Regarding the second interaction, I'm not sure if it's easily understood, but it's an upgrade from the first one, called "Interaction Lvl. 2." You trigger it the same way—by clicking on the skirt—and you'll notice a slightly different animation. Naturally, this means the level 1 animation can no longer be triggered. At the moment, if we view it this way, there are only 2 interactions, but expect many more to come! :3

Take your time, its holidays, but love how much passion you been showing lately for the game! =D
P.S. i changed my name recently but this is soul, hahah
*I appreciate your encouragement a lot; I also hope things are going well for you. Wishing you happy holidays! Haha, can I ask why the name change? XD

Thank you so much for your feedback, Seriel! Currently, I'm addressing minor issues, and the changes to some game features will come in the next major update. I apologize if it's not what you were expecting, but with the holidays approaching, I won't have much time to sit down and work for extended hours to make changes or add specific functions. For now, I'll be releasing patches to fix bugs. I must admit that some errors were quite random and challenging to reproduce, but that's the magic of being an indie developer! :D.

Right now, I'm building a new patch that will be released shortly, and I hope to have addressed some of the issues that have been discussed these days.

It's great to know that Amariko is no longer possessed, hahaha! It was actually an animation error and was easy to fix. Phew!

Lastly, I'll see what I can do regarding how you run the game with two monitors. Unity doesn't mention anything about it in its configuration. It might be related to the fact that I don't allow the game to run in windowed fullscreen mode. Perhaps I should enable it. I'll do that, and you can let me know how it goes :3

I've just tested the game, and I was able to replicate the error with the equipment. There's actually no issue with that system; once again, the error lies in the save system. Specifically, when equipping a character and immediately entering combat, the game doesn't save prior to that change. Now that I know what the problem is, I can confirm that there will be a new patch by tomorrow, or even later today if I have the time, to release the fix.

Thank you for your feedback. Last night, I was playing and didn't notice those errors in the save system. However, I want to ask: did you close the game while in combat? Could you try obtaining the characters in the gacha again and then close the game from the menu (using the close button or Alt+F4)?

I'll explain the error: currently, with the new save system, progress is automatically saved when exiting the game from the main menu. However, if the game is closed during a battle, it doesn't save, which makes sense as there's no need to save during a battle, except for the rewards. BUT, the issue is that, upon reading your comment, I realized I didn't make the game save just before entering a battle. I should call Save() before changing scenes as well to avoid errors. 

I'll review that Goblin and fix it.

Regarding the UI error, I'll check it to see if I can replicate the same issue. I'll likely release another fix, by the 29th or at the latest on the 30th.

I forgot! Yes, I'm aware of the balancing issue to increase the affection level. I'll also adjust it for this upcoming hotfix.

Thank you very much for the feedback! I'm aware of the issues in combat, and everything related to it will come in a new major update. Regarding the balancing of some systems, I'm working on it right now to fix it, and it will be ready soon.

As for the interaction system, there are currently three types of interactions for each girl. That's why it took me so long, as I had to animate those interactions in Blender for each girl. Working with animations really takes a lot of time x_X.

I understand the concern about the gameplay loop. My goal with Aseanon is to provide playable content similar to many gachas in the market. I will also tell a story (Lore) that is being produced and written, which will be reflected in the missions. Obviously, this involves having a dialogue system where you read text. However, this will come in the next major update as part of my schedule for 2024.

Another point is some intentional and unintentional mechanics in combat... hahaha, the truth is that many of the "issues" of combat freezing are the responsibility of Unity's Animator component. It's true that when creating a character, you need to adjust the animator to prevent those "hangs." Thanks for informing me about that; I'll fix it in the next hotfix coming soon.

Regarding the gacha, I won't include something similar to SOLP's CMD because I don't consider it necessary since it's a "small" gacha. I understand and, for me, the gacha is a very important part, but I may continue to add "initial gems" so that people can roll in it. Also, if you increase the affection level of the characters, for each level, you get 1x roll in the gacha.

Again, thank you very much for your feedback. I know there might be things I didn't address, but I'm compiling your feedback and that of other users into a folder on my Google Drive where I read and mark things that are missing or already fixed.

Finally, I would like to clarify again that there are many things that need adjustments, such as the crafting system, and "Tutorials" panels will be coming soon. They will probably be done statically in the form of images, as many other games do. A "dynamic" tutorial will probably come with version 1.0.0 (although I'm still far from that, sorry u.u).

PS: I'm sorry to hear that you're having difficulties with the 5* in the Slice Of Life Project. I think my gacha's evil side was programming the odds that night, haha, sorry :c.

I want to thank you for taking the time to play! and also for reporting the bugs. I will review again and will have a patch as soon as possible.
#6: Do you have Ashina Tomoe unlocked?... She's the 5* character.
#7: This is intentional; I'm considering the idea that new characters occupy more areas of the game without being NPCs.

Right now, there are NSFW interactions; I will probably add more, but it won't be anything sexually explicit. I want this project to remain strictly Ecchi.

Absolutely! I don't have much time to sit down and play for an extended period, so I truly value any bug reports. I appreciate your assistance a lot! In fact, I want to compile a list of all the users who have helped me with the bugs and feature them in the About section.

Thanks for discovering these bugs! There will be a new update soon to fix those bugs.

Thank you very much for reporting!! I will review it and release a patch.

Thank you sincerely for your kind words! I am 100% committed and will work tirelessly to make it a great success. i'll bring many interesting updates to share. Thanks again for supporting the project!

Hey there! Thanks a lot for playing the game and for taking your time to write about it.

  • but there are some bugs here and there, for example some enemies (orc warrior tank and orc boss) can try to cast an attack but never do it, resulting in a soft lock that requires me to restart the battle or quit it in order to fix it.

Thank you very much for reporting the bug; it will be fixed in the next update.

  • Another thing that i noticed is that the characters level up system seems to restart / forget, like i can use tons of books to level up my characters (get them to lvl 10 or 12, but when i leave the game and reopen it or when i go to a battle and return to the guild, my character that was level 12, goes back to level 2 or such.

This is strange; I will check it. Progress is supposed to be persistent, and it automatically saves at specific points, such as when you "give" a book to a character.

  • Same happens when i try to put them equipment, when i try to raise their ranks it seems like i can only do that with 4 characters, the game wont let me rank up more than 4 heroes. sometimes the game also forgets about the rank my characters were and sends them back to rank 1 again.

The same goes for equipment slots; the game should save when you use an equipment slot. I'll look into it.

  • Another thing is to get to get gold or materials... it's quite slow, i had to hack some of the game files to be able to get items and the unique gems that you need to buy materials or to do the gacha thing... if i did it legit i could spend hours upon hours of farming... doing the same quest over and over to get anything done.

I'm starting to see a pattern; this shouldn't be happening. I'm aware that obtaining materials in missions is almost non-existent, as it's an aspect of the game that I'm redesigning. However, it won't be ready for this update, but I will fix these issues and adjust mission rewards.

  • Wich brings me to the final issue with the game... the gacha... i know that to get a 5 star item or character it is suppossed to be "uncommon" but... dude, i have modded well over 500,000 unique crystals on my game, and i have only managed to get 13 of i dont know how many characters in the game, the chances of getting "all the character cards" in a legit manner is insanelly low and difficult, there were instances that i got a new 4 star character after having spent over 80,000 unique crystals, i can't imagine how low the chances of a 5 star character are, so please, make it more easy to get a 5 star character drop, or easy to get characters that you don't have yet, or make it easier to get crystals, because it is impossible to get all the characters in a "legit" way with the current state of the game.

Regarding the gacha, there are currently only 13 characters. In the new update, I will put the total number of characters in the initial menu section as a reference.

For more information, you can check the latest devlog

Once again, thank you very much for the feedback; it's very valuable to me! :3

That's great that you didn't find it complicated! In this game version, there are no tutorials or guides. Currently, I am working on a new major update that will add more content to the game, mechanics, and enhance/improve the combat and missions.

Thank you very much for your review,, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

I'll check what you say about the equipment.-

There are no tutorials yet, but they are on the development map.-

At these stages I'm trying to make it at least intuitive, regarding what is done for me; the character models are made in a modular way, thanks to a 3d modeler who is the person I bought the models from, but the visual construction is done by me, in case you ask the models are taken from the 3DCG (3D CUSTOM GIRL) game. All the other 3D are bundles that I bought from the asset store, it would be a dream if all that is replaced by original design, right? but for now they serve me a lot.

Regarding the content, yes... there is still a long way to go, but more content and interactions with the characters are planned, even the story mode, where I already have a large part of the lore finished. In addition to including new enemies and new characters.

It sounds easy to say the things that are to come, but it is a long and hard job for one person I think, but I love what I do and I am very motivated to finish this project.

Hmm, I've been concocting a possible AI inclusion for the characters as they move around the guild, but I think my point and artistic inspiration comes from mobile gacha games; A dynamic menu but not that extreme either.

Thank you very much for your review!

Thx bro! :)

Would you be so kind to telo me what device anda android version  do you use?

Working hard on the next update! thank you very much for your support.

That comes out because the installer is not registered, but you can pass the .exe through virustotal.

Just run the desktop application with the black icon (it's the cmd) and you'll get income (it's a kind of hacking simulation), you'll have to run it a couple of times, because it only grants money every two times when you run it.

I have plans for this project, but right now I'm working hard on "Aseanon", for now there will be no updates.

Thank you very much! Right now I'm working on a BIG update, but with the holidays in between, I'm in slow mode.

Yes! It is currently under development... Next week will be more devlogs and I will probably release the roadmap

Thank you very much bro, I appreciate it a lot

Correcto, ese es la "pantalla de carga" en realidad no carga nada solo es estetico, pero que raro que se te cierre el juego bro. Decime que especificaciones tiene tu pc.

What version of Android do you have?

Yes!, the android version only has the gacha minigame

You have to download the latest version! Currently this problem is already fixed

Sorry, i dont have a Mac to build for ios

Es un prototipo, estoy trabajando actualmente en una build nueva