Wait so people can resell my original version but cant modify it and then resell it?
CC0 is public domain it is most permissive license. You are right deletion of the list item about redistribution would be equal CC0...
IMO now, you make too simple assets so I don't think someone will want to resell or buy it...
Honestly I won't give an advice what to do because I am about "free-culture" movement so licenses that prevent others from doing something with the work (especially redistribution) are strange for me.
If I say you "yes use CC0", I just decided to "deceive" you to reach my goals (even while everything I said is correct and don't contain deceive)
If I say something against "free-culture" licenses such CC0, CC-BY4 or CC-BY-SA4, I commit harm to the free-culture movement via promotion non free....
Describing of this all is something about compromise between two previous ideas...