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A member registered Apr 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think I mostly like the hospital tent and the "one of the smartest anime characters"!

Does rar file includes all other files?

What does IP in filenames mean?

The submission must include zip version (read rules on the main page of the jam) or it will be disqualified

It should be available...

Yeah you right thanks! I accidentally uploaded my previous pack

GameBoy palette restriction actually already was one of themes so it won't be used again in near future

Good. I like the umbrella!

I hope you understand what license means. People can redistribute and even resell your assets. Basically they can do whatever they want but must credit you... If you are good with it so, I recommend you to add the license metadata

Looks really good. Don't forget that from now you have nearly a day to submit

Great game and concept. Concept!!!

Sooo... How many icons per day it is? 8 days, 300 icons. 37.5 icons per day. You are overproductive drawing machine!

If you really understand what CC-BY-NC means (people can redistribute it, for example create an itch page and upload it there though must credit you in this case) you can add license metadata

Who did hurt the girls so they are so upset? I think my favorite is the smiling girl. Good job!


Beach theme!

It isn't as easy theme as you think. If you will draw portraits again, I think you won't notice difficulties but beach is harder than forest

Woooooow! It is perfect! Thought MedicineStorm from OGA have a point


The palette is more restrictive than I thought it'd be since a few colors I felt are too close to one another in hue and value. I also lacked the colors I needed to shade for some images. I got around that by hue shifting a lot more than I normally would. Making curves was also difficult sometimes at this small scale. I would normally apply anti-aliasing to smooth it out

Something like using brown for a very dark red?

I want to draw something cute in pastel colors

Can't say when but it is already somewhere in the backlog...

The name is already shown in the page so there is no need to duplicate it in the description

I think you can also twist around the pipes a bit like dirty/dead water produced by people

emm maybe Summer? Next month is summer though lol

I've skipped the spring (I had autumn and winter...) so I assume the summer will be after spring ;)

Are you sure about license? Do you know that CC-BY4 means that people can redistribute your work? Even resell it though they must credit you...

Too many missiles kill the performance at least in browser. I become a monster that enters the room and kills everything alive just with missiles. It even started to lag and there is not button I want to die!

Yeah, it feels strange when you died immediately after you cleared out previous room without any difficulties


I died right in the moment of killing boss. When game restarted I got a free epic item

Idea of making the magic blast slow you while you are charging it is good but honestly I noticed it after 10 minutes of playing (I actively used it) so it is designed not so well

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For example can I say that mimics are folklore? How broad this range? I am sure that for example fairies are folklore but what about mimics and maybe other creatures?

Thanks to peb, I've just known about endesga32 tag. Don't forget to add it to your submission

Didn't expect such tags to exist, thanks!

Not bad for the first time

Yeah this looks much better. Good work

I rarely save all the previous versions so usually I have only the last RC but I really love creating collages of drawing process


I also heard about pixelorama

Did you heard about LPC and it is "structure"? While it is mostly dictated by the idea of compatible extensions, it is structured in the way of separate packs...

Is loading icon supposed to be a drop of blood?

Easily can but two packs way seems a bit more logical method to sort it out because icons regardless of the similar style can be used separately. Having one big pack which includes everything one game can include is both a very good and very bad things at the same time. I will decide later. I will look on how many icons and tiles I will have in the end.

Maybe if the slime will be animated (with a full set: jump, hurt, death, a bunch of attacks) it deserves separate pack...

Additionally icons in 16x16 format and other things in 32x32

I like your fire. It is very simple but it is still believable

Looks like I will have to separate submissions. One pack of icons and one for tileset

Not bad but would be better to see here scaled versions though

This time theme is endesga32 pallet so do whatever you want by using this pallet but fit the rules

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As jam has just started I will answer your obvious question. Yeah as a host I knew theme in advance so I started two days earlier but don't worry I will finish two days earlier. This pallet is mesmerizing. I really loved it though would like to have a little more shades
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It is an excellent page adornment! Especially the animation which ruins fourth wall! Though slime doesn't need a skeleton tag

Ok. Theme isn't revealed yet. If it cats, you can draw just a cat, you can draw npc animelike cat girl, in general you can draw everything which is game asset and involves theme...