Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this lovely comment!! I'm really happy you enjoyed it (and I'm honored you're planning to replay it!!)
(Spoilers below)
Aww yes, I think that revealing something like that to someone else requires a lot of trust! In this case Raku does trust Nelli - but he also knows the situation calls for it, and he also trusts that Nelli won't reject him given her situation. Nelli does need a BREAK after this though; she needs some serious time to process LOL
(Ohh you're actually spot on with the prediction! There are actually a few reasons why Raku didn't tell her about his identity before, but the dangers are definitely one of them. He absolutely does not want his family and Nelli to meet - hence why that might happen in the sequel LOL)
Haha, I did hope that people would think that maybe Raku killed Sana! I'm glad you liked that scene!! Raku does try hard to understand Nelli's position (partially because he needs to believe that she still loves him, even if she hurt him).
Thank you again for playing and leaving your thoughts!! :)