Hey, I saw your game on Addy's discord so decided to give it a shot. Most of the gameplay elements feel pretty good, except for the mining portion. feels a little slow and clunky. Having to face the correct direction and click on the cube you want instead of what the pickaxe hits feels a little counterintuitive. I like the art direction you are going with. Everything visually meshed very well. I also don't game a lot on PC, so the control scheme felt cumbersome for me. Shift to run was fine, but then needing to hold control to wall climb felt unruly.
Personally I would have enjoyed it more if you automatically snapped to a wall climb.
The icons on the items to pickup at the beginning were also a very small resolution so I could not read what they said, so I just pressed every key until e worked for pickup.
The toy mechanic to check if cliffs are safe is pretty neat but for a longer game, I could see this potentially hurting you for slowing down the gameplay.
I ran into a bug where when I spoke with the big merchant guy, I entered the shop, bought some rope and toys, and when I exited, I couldn't move. I had to hit escape to pause the game, then resume the game again to get control back of the player.
I clipped into a wall with the amber blocks when the was a single grid space between a block and the ceiling, I was able to grab the block and climb on it and clip into the ceiling. I didn't get stuck but visually looked weird.
There looks to be a lot of effort and passion put into this game and some of the ideas were pretty interesting. It would be great to see a final polished version of this!